
Napravljena od tri tradicionalne sorte grožđa koje se uzgajaju u Espiellsima, La Cusconi i Medioni. Svijetle je boje i zelenkaste nijanse. Na nosu podsjeća na bijelo voće, cvjetne note i tostirani kruh. Na nepcu je svijetla, živahna i ugodna, s izraženom svježinom, kremastošću i kiselošću. Njezine senzacije traju dugo.

Made with the three traditional grape varieties grown in Espiells, La Cuscona and Mediona. It is brightly coloured with greenish hues. On the nose it is reminiscent of white fruit, floral notes and toasted bread. On the palate it is bright, lively and pleasant, with a marked freshness, creaminess and acidity. These sensations persist in a long finish.

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Prava kupaža i sazrijevanje osnova su ove proizvodnje koja je tvrtku Juve&Camps Brut Reserva učinila sigurnošću u našem asortimanu. Ta se sigurnost prenosi od prvog trenutka kada ugledate čašu, svojom svijetlom blijedožutom bojom i malim mjehurićem koji u vremenu teče svojim vinom. Ničija čula ne ostavljaju ravnodušnima, ističe se balans i dobro integrirani mjehurići na nepcu.

The right coupage and ageing are the base for this production that has made Juve&Camps Brut Reserva a sure thing in our product range. This security is transmitted from the first moment you see the glass, with its bright pale-yellow colour and small bubble that flows in time with its winemaking. It leaves no one’s senses indifferent, I would highlight the balance and well-integrated carbonic gas on the palate.



Penedès prirodno je i povijesno područje autonomne zajednice Katalonije. Smješteno je na jugu Kneževine Katalonije, između pred-obalnog planinskog pojasa ( Serralada pred-litoral ) i Sredozemnog mora . Penedès je podjeljen na tri administrativne takozvane komarke: Alt Penedès , Baix Penedès i Garraf , a njihovi glavni gradovi su Vilafranca del Penedès , el Vendrell i Vilanova i la GeltrúS povijesnog gledišta, Penedès je od početka devetog stoljeća bio granično područje unutar županije Barcelone , koje je imalo svoje središte u bivšem vojnom gradu Olèrdola , ponovo ojačano zbog kršćanskog napretka 929. Olèrdola je izgubio značaj i glavni grad u drugoj polovici dvanaestog stoljeća, a tada je Vilafranca del Penedès postao glavni grad. Pokrajinska podjela iz 1833. podijelila je regiju između provincija Barcelone , koja uključuje Alt Penedès i Garraf , i provinciju Tarragona , koja uključuje Baix Penedès.

Penedès is a natural and historical area of ​​the Autonomous Community of Catalonia. It is located in the south of the Principality of Catalonia, between the pre-coastal mountain belt (Serralada pre-littoral) and the Mediterranean Sea. Penedès is divided into three so-called administrative mosquitoes: Alt Penedès, Baix Penedès and Garraf, and their capitals are Vilafranca del Penedès, el Vendrell and Vilanova and la Geltrú. From a historical point of view, Penedès was from the beginning of the ninth century a border area within the county of Barcelona, ​​which had its center in the former military city of Olèrdola, re-strengthened by Christian progress in 929. Olèrdola lost its significance and capital in the second half of the twelfth century. Vilafranca del Penedès became the capital. The provincial division of 1833 divided the region between the provinces of Barcelona, ​​which includes Alt Penedès and Garraf, and the province of Tarragona, which includes Baix Penedès.



1796 Cijela priča je počela prije 200 godina kada je Joan Juvé Mir, znatiželjni, pedantni vinar koji je bio ispred svog vremena, postavio temelje svoje tvrtke. Kasnije, njegov sin Antoni Juvé Escaiola preuzeo je vinograde.
1921 Joan Juvé Baqués, sin Antoni Juvé Escaiola-e te suprug Teresa Camps Ferrer-e, postavio je podzemna postrojenja u obiteljskoj kući u Sant Sadurní d’Anoia-i da napravi prva pjenušava vina pod imenom JUVE.
1940 Josep i Joan Juvé Camps, sinovi Joan-a i Teresa-e, pridružili su se upravljanju obiteljske firme, te su je podigli na višu razinu kada su otvorili vinariju izvan Sant Sadurní d’Anoia-e.
1972 Prva boca Gran Juvé Camps, izvanredna Gran Reserva Brut Nature cava pravljena od grožđa iz vinograda u Espiells-u samo kada je žetva izuzetne kvalitete, važno je obilježje u napretku vinarije.
1976 Reserva de la Familia je rođena, Gran Reserva Brut Nature cava inicijalno je trebala biti točena samo u malim količinama, ali ubrzo je postala glavna stvar za koju se veže ime brenda
2002 Tokom ovog desetljeća, obiteljska vinarija potvrdila je svoju poziciju kao vodeći proizvođač Premium i Gran Reserva cava-e.

1796 The whole story began 200 years ago when Joan Juvé Mir, a curious, meticulous winemaker who was ahead of his time, laid the foundations of his company. Later, his son Antoni Juvé Escaiola took over the vineyards.

1921 Joan Juvé Baqués, son of Antoni Juvé Escaiola and husband of Teresa Camps Ferrer, set up underground plants in the family home in Sant Sadurní d’Anoia to make the first sparkling wines under the name JUVE.

1940 Josep and Joan Juvé Camps, sons of Joan and Teresa, joined the management of the family business, and raised it to a higher level when they opened a winery outside Sant Sadurní d’Anoia.

1972 The first bottle of Gran Juvé Camps, the remarkable Gran Reserva Brut Nature cava made from grapes from the vineyards in Espiells only when the harvest is of exceptional quality, is an important feature in the progress of the winery.

1976 Reserva de la Familia was born, Gran Reserva Brut Nature cava was initially supposed to be poured only in small quantities, but it soon became the main thing to which the brand name is attached

2002 During this decade, the family winery has confirmed its position as a leading producer of Premium and Gran Reserva cava.