
Zeleno- zlatna boja. Lijep sjaj i čistoća. Na nosu je elegantno i fino. Ima lijepu finoću i nježan završetak. Lijep balans i držanje.

Green-gold color. Nice shine and purity. The nose is elegant and fine. It has a nice finesse and a delicate finish. Nice balance and posture.

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Vinograd se nalazi  na teritoriju Fuisséa. Poseban karakter ove parcele je njezin susjed Pouilly-Fuissé i ovdje nalazimo istu vapnenačko-glinenu geologiju. Vina su svježa i živahna s zanimljivom mineralnošću. Ukupna proizvodna površina za apelaciju Mâcon-Fuissé iznosi samo 19 hektara (48 hektara) s prosječnom godišnjom proizvodnjom od 150 000 boca.

The vineyard is located in the territory of Fuissé. The special character of this plot is its neighbor Pouilly-Fuissé and here we find the same limestone-clay geology. The wines are fresh and lively with interesting minerality. The total production area for the Mâcon-Fuissé appeal is only 19 hectares (48 hectares) with an average annual production of 150,000 bottles.



Burgundija je jedna od 26 pokrajina Francuske, sastoji se od četiri dijela: Yonne, Cote-d’Or, Nievre i Saone-et-Loire, a smještena je na istoku Francuske. Dobila je naziv po bivšoj Kraljevini Burgundiji.

Burgundija je ravničarska zemlja sa uzvišenjima u središnjem dijelu, što je čini pogodnom za uzgoj poljoprivrednih kultura, a ponajviše grožđa. Poljoprivreda u Burgundiji je snažna i specijalizirana, regije Côtes de Beaune, Nuits, Hautes-Côtes, Côte Chalonnaise, Mâconnais, Beaujolais i drugi imaju razvijeno vinogradarstvo.

Klima Burgundije je pretežito kontinentalna s kratkim ljetima i hladnim zimama što je čini izazovnom za uzgoj grožđa. Vapnenačko tlo Burgundije ima veliku ulogu u karakteru njegovih vina, donosi mu suštinsku mineralnost i kompleksnost okusa,  posebice kod bijelih vina. Upravo je tlo zajedno s orijentacijom vinograda zaslužno za Premier Cru i Grand Cru status određenog položaja.

Burgundija ima oko 27 760 hektara zasađenih vinograda te 100 apelacija koje proizvode oko 1.5 milijuna hektolitara vina. Najjužnije vinorodno područje je Maconnaise s najpoznatijom apelacijom vrhunskog Chardonnay-a Pouilly-Fuisse. Najsjevernija područja su Chablis i Auxerrois, no srce i najpoznatiji dio Brugundije je Côte-d’Or. Burgundijska vina su pretežito bijela, a najpoznatija su vina Chardonnay, Pinot Noir i Pinot Blanc. Burgundijska vina smatraju se jednim od najprestižnijih i najskupljih vina na svijetu.


Burgundy is one of the 26 provinces of France, consists of four parts: Yonne, Cote-d’Or, Nievre and Saone-et-Loire, and is located in the east of France. It was named after the former Kingdom of Burgundy.

Burgundy is a lowland country with elevations in the central part, which makes it suitable for growing crops, especially grapes. Agriculture in Burgundy is strong and specialized, the regions of Côtes de Beaune, Nuits, Hautes-Côtes, Côte Chalonnaise, Mâconnais, Beaujolais and others have developed viticulture.

The climate of Burgundy is predominantly continental with short summers and cold winters making it challenging for grape growing. The calcareous soil of Burgundy plays a major role in the character of its wines, bringing it the essential minerality and complexity of taste, especially in white wines. It is the soil along with the orientation of the vineyards that is responsible for the Premier Cru and Grand Cru status of a particular location.

Burgundy has about 27,760 hectares of planted vineyards and 100 appeals that produce about 1.5 million hectoliters of wine. The southernmost wine-growing area is Maconnaise with the most famous appeal of the top Chardonnay Pouilly-Fuisse. The northernmost areas are Chablis and Auxerrois, but the heart and most famous part of Brugundy is the Côte-d’Or. Burgundy wines are predominantly white, and the most famous wines are Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Blanc. Burgundy wines are considered one of the most prestigious and expensive wines in the world.



Obitelj Vincent vlasnici su Chateau Fuisse već pet generacija, odnosno od 1862. godine. Zahvaljujući znanju koje se prenosilo generacijama i njihovoj težnji ka konstantnom napretku povećali su površine svojih vinograda te poboljšali kvalitetu proizvodnje vina. Marcel Vincent je 1948. godine proširio obiteljske vinograde i počeo s buteljiranjem i direktnom prodajom vina. Jean-Jacques je 1967. godine  spojio modernu tehnologiju s tradicijom i uveo novu liniju vina s potpisom Vincent. Od 2003. godine na čelu domaine  je Antoine Vincent koji se brine o Chateau Fuisse te je zadužen i za vinariju. Obitelj Vincent ima više od 40 hektara vinograda koji se nalaze na jugu Burgundije. Većina grožđa za preradu dobiva se iz njihovih vlastitih vinograda. Svaka parcela i grožđe ima specifičan proces vinifikacije koji poštuje taj terroir.

The Vincent family has owned the Chateau Fuisse for five generations, since 1862. Thanks to the knowledge passed down through the generations and their striving for constant progress, they increased the area of ​​their vineyards and improved the quality of wine production. In 1948, Marcel Vincent expanded the family vineyards and began bottling and selling wine directly. In 1967, Jean-Jacques merged modern technology with tradition and introduced a new line of wines with the Vincent signature. Since 2003, the domain has been headed by Antoine Vincent, who takes care of Chateau Fuisse and is also in charge of the winery. The Vincent family has more than 40 acres of vineyards located in southern Burgundy. Most grapes for processing are obtained from their own vineyards. Each plot and grape has a specific vinification process that respects that terroir.