Od 16,00

U Colbertaldu još uvijek možete prošetati malom šumom koja se prvi put spominje u povijesnim zapisima prije otprilike 600 godina, kada je bilo poznato kao Bosco di Gica. Ovaj Valdobbiadene DOCG Brut Adami elegantno izražava ravnotežu između suhog nepca i gracioznog nosa (10 g / l). Grožđe najprikladnije za Brut odabire se iz vinograda u tri općine koje graniče s vinarijom.

At Colbertaldo, you can still walk through a small wood which was first mentioned in historical records around 600 years ago, when it was known as the Bosco di Gica. This Valdobbiadene DOCG Brut Adami elegantly expresses the balance between a dry palate and graceful nose (10 g/l). The grapes most suitable for the Brut are selected from vineyards in the three municipalities bordering the winery.


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Veneto je jedna od 20 talijanskih regija,smještena u najsjevernijem dijelu Italije, glavni grad regije je Venecija. Regija je nekada bila dio Mletačke republike.

Regija Veneto ima najrazvijeniji turizam od svih regija u Italiji kroz koji prezentira svoju kulturnu i povjesnu baštinu Mletačke republike. Bogatstvo arhitekture i kulture dokaz je koliko je nekada Venecija imala utjecaja u ovom dijelu Europe. Danas se ekonomija regije bazira na industriji, modi te turizmu. Iako važnost poljoprivrede opada u regiji ona je veoma važna za regiju te je jedna od najproduktivnijih u Italiji.

Regija Veneto ima izuzetne krajolike koji se protežu od Dolomita do istočnih obala jezera Garda i Peschiera del Garda, rijeke Po i njezine delte, Venecijanske lagune te dugih pješčanih plaža tipa Jesolo, Bibione, Cavallinoi Caorle.

Veneto je i domovina mnogih poznatih talijanskih vina, a najpoznatija su Saove, Breganze Bianco, Prosecco, Bardolino i Amarone della Valpolicella. Također se proizvode i pjenušava vina (spumante) te grappa (rakija od grožđa). Veneto proizvodi najviše DOC boca vina od svih ostalih regija u Italiji. Amarone della Valpolicella proizvodi se od visoko kvalitetnog grožđa uzgojenog na brdima kod Verone te spada u jedne od najskupljih crnih vina svijeta.

Regija je zaštićena od ekstremnih klimatskih uvijeta Alpa, podnožja brda Veneta imaju hladniju klimu koja je pogodna za uzgoj sorti grožđa poput Garganega (glavna sorta za Saove vino). Dok toplija klima bliža Jadranskom moru s dolinama rijeka i jezera je pogodna za sorte Valpolicella, Amarone i Bardolino od kojih se proizvodi crno vino. Blizu Venecijanske lagune, između brda Treviso, rijeke Piave i Jadranskog mora proizvodi se slavan Prosecco (od sorte grožđa Glera).

Središnji dio Veneta, gdje prevladava mediteranska mikroklima kod Colli Euganei, brda blizu Padove, poznat je po proizvodnji pjenušavog desertnog vina, Moscato fior d’arancio. Breganze je područje poznato po proizvodnji desertnog vina Torcolato od grožđa Vespaiolo.

Proizvođači grožđa i vinari regije Veneto koriste moderne metode i sisteme uzgoja kako u vinogradu tako i u podrumu. Iako su najpoznatija vina regije bazirana na domaćim sortama grožđa poput Glera (Prosecco) i Verduzzo, visoka potražnja za Veneto vinima potakla je proizvođače da eksperimentiraju sa sortama Cabernet, Chardonnay i Pinot. Veneto ima preko 90 000 hektrara posađenih vinograda od kojih je 35 400 hektara pod DOC-om. Bijelo vino zauzima 55% proizvodnje vina u regiji.

Jedan od najpoznatijih agronomskih fakulteta za vinogradarstvo i vinarstvo nalazi se upravo u regiji Veneto, u mjestu Conegliano, a također najpoznatiji vinski sajam Italije (VinItaly) održava se svakog proljeća u Veroni.

Veneto is one of the 20 Italian regions, located in the northernmost part of Italy, the capital of the region is Venice. The region was once part of the Venetian Republic. The Veneto region has the most developed tourism of all the regions in Italy through which it presents its cultural and historical heritage of the Venetian Republic. The richness of architecture and culture is proof of how much Venice once had an influence in this part of Europe. Today, the region’s economy is based on industry, fashion and tourism. Although the importance of agriculture is declining in the region, it is very important for the region and is one of the most productive in Italy. The Veneto region has exceptional landscapes that stretch from the Dolomites to the eastern shores of Lakes Garda and Peschiera del Garda, the Po River and its deltas, the Venetian Lagoon and long sandy beaches such as Jesolo, Bibione, Cavallinoi Caorle. Veneto is also home to many famous Italian wines, the most famous being Saove, Breganze Bianco, Prosecco, Bardolino and Amarone della Valpolicella. Sparkling wines (spumante) and grappa (grape brandy) are also produced. Veneto produces the most DOC bottles of wine of all the other regions in Italy. Amarone della Valpolicella is produced from high quality grapes grown in the hills near Verona and is one of the most expensive red wines in the world. The region is protected from the extreme climatic conditions of the Alps, the foothills of the Veneto hills have a colder climate that is suitable for growing grape varieties like Gargano (the main variety for Sao wine). While the warmer climate closer to the Adriatic Sea with the valleys of rivers and lakes is suitable for the varieties Valpolicella, Amarone and Bardolino from which red wine is produced. Near the Venetian lagoon, between the hills of Treviso, the river Piave and the Adriatic Sea, the famous Prosecco (from the Glera grape variety) is produced. The central part of the Veneto, where the Mediterranean microclimate prevails near Colli Euganei, a hill near Padua, is known for the production of sparkling dessert wine, Moscato fior d’arancio. Breganze is an area known for the production of Torcolato dessert wine from Vespaiolo grapes. Grape growers and winemakers of the Veneto region use modern methods and systems of cultivation both in the vineyard and in the cellar. Although the region’s most famous wines are based on domestic grape varieties such as Glera (Prosecco) and Verduzzo, the high demand for Veneto wines has prompted producers to experiment with Cabernet, Chardonnay and Pinot varieties. Veneto has over 90,000 hectares of planted vineyards of which 35,400 hectares are under DOC. White wine accounts for 55% of wine production in the region. One of the most famous agronomic faculties for viticulture and winemaking is located in the Veneto region, in Conegliano, and also the most famous Italian wine fair (VinItaly) is held every spring in Verona.



Alta Marca područje u blizini Treviso-a poznato je po odličnim vinima već od srednjeg vijeka. Prvoklasna bijela vina proizvode se ovdje od 1606. godine, kako je pronađeno u povijesnim spisima.

1920. godine Abel Adami je kupio vinograd prirodnog oblika amfiteatra od Count Balbi Valier u području Alta Marca. Ovaj prekrasan vinograd bio je savršeni početak za proizvodnju grožđa. Zajedno sa svojim sinom Adrianom,  Abel je odlučio odvojiti ovaj vinograd od ostalih zbog svojih specifičnih karakteristika, no tek je 1933. godine u javnost pustio svoje prvo vino.

Adriano Adami nastavio je obiteljsku tradiciju te gradio ime za njihov visoko kvalitetan Prosecco. 1980. godina u vinariju je stigla treća generacija obrazovanih enologa Armando i Franco Adami koji su kombinirali obiteljsku tradiciju sa specijalizacijom i tehnologijom. S modernom tehnologijom i proizvodnjom pjenušavih vina počeli su se širiti na nova tržišta.

Danas proizvode oko 750 000 boca s grožđem iz 50 hektara vinograda, 12 hektara svojih, a ostalo od malih proizvođača koji su usko vezani s vinarijom i njihovom metodologijom.

The Alta Marca area near Treviso has been known for its excellent wines since the Middle Ages. First-class white wines have been produced here since 1606, as found in historical records. In 1920, Abel Adami bought a natural-shaped amphitheater vineyard from Count Balbi Valier in the Alta Marca area. This beautiful vineyard was the perfect start for grape production. Together with his son Adrian, Abel decided to separate this vineyard from the others due to its specific characteristics, but it was not until 1933 that he released his first wine to the public. Adriano Adami continued the family tradition and built a name for their high quality Prosecco. In 1980, the third generation of educated oenologists Armando and Franco Adami arrived at the winery, combining family tradition with specialization and technology. With modern technology and the production of sparkling wines, they began to expand into new markets. Today, they produce about 750,000 bottles of grapes from 50 hectares of vineyards, 12 hectares of their own, and the rest from small producers who are closely related to the winery and their methodology.