
Vino je purpurno crvene boje. Na nosu se osjete mirisi crnog ribizla, borovnice, kože, začina, duhana, crnog čaja, višnje i jagode. Tanini su svilenkasti te se savršeno nadopunjuju s okusima i svježinom. Vino je punog tijela, elegantno, strukturirano sa ugodno dugim završetkom.

The wine is purple-red in color. The nose smells of black currant, blueberry, leather, spices, tobacco, black tea, cherries and strawberries. The tannins are silky and complement perfectly with flavors and freshness. The wine is full-bodied, elegant, structured with a pleasantly long finish.

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Zahvaljujući terroir specifičnosti, gotovo savršena ravnoteža zasađenog grožđa čini ovo vino vrlo posebnim. Sastoji se od 55% merlota, 40% cabernet franca i 5% cabernet sauvignona, dok je prosječni Saint-Emilion više oko 70% merlota. Proces odležavanja vrši se na finim talozima kako bi se bolje izrazila istinska kvaliteta vina. Vina se izrađuju u ultramodernom podrumu u hrastovim bačvama. Cjelokupni postupak proizvodnje vina daje izdašan i elegantan cru koji jako dobro stari. Vinogradom se upravlja uz poštivanje okoliša i tako je Château Canon La Gaffelière ekološki certificiran od FR-BIO-10. Tijekom kušanja, Château Canon La Gaffelière nudi jako vino, vrlo dobro strukturirano, složeno, čisto i uvijek elegantno.

Thanks to the terroir specificity, the almost perfect balance of the planted grapes makes this wine very special. It consists of 55% merlot, 40% cabernet franc and 5% cabernet sauvignon, while the average Saint-Emilion is more about 70% merlot. The aging process is carried out on fine lees in order to better express the true quality of the wine. The wines are made in an ultra-modern cellar in oak barrels. The whole process of wine production gives a generous and elegant cru that ages very well. The vineyard is managed with respect for the environment and so Château Canon La Gaffelière is environmentally certified by FR-BIO-10. During the tasting, Château Canon La Gaffelière offers strong wine, very well structured, complex, clean and always elegant.



Bordeaux je vinska regija smještena u jugozapadnoj Francuskoj te je domovina najpoznatijih svjetskih vinara. Ima stoljetnu tradiciju, a u vinima Bordeaux-a uživali su i stari Rimljani. Oko grada Bordeaux-a se nalazi 14 000 proizvođača vina te 117 514 hektara vinograda.

Regija je u blizini rijeke Gironde te Atlantskog oceana zbog čega ima morsku klimu. Ocean i rijeka donose blagu zimu i topla ljeta te duge sunčane jeseni. Regija je zaštićena od oceanskih snažnih vjetrova sa gustom borovom šumom koja se proteže paralelno uz regiju. Zbog rijeke i oceana regija ima vapnenačko tlo sa glinom i pijeskom što je izuzetno pogodno tlo za uzgoj vinove loze.

Bordeaux je najpoznatiji po crvenim vinima te plemenitim slatkim vinima, no ne zaostaju ni visokokvalitetna bijela vina. Bordeaux crvena vina imaju jedinstveni izražaj regije koji je prepoznatljiv u cijelom svijetu. Najčešće crne sorte koja se uzgajaju su Cabernet sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet franc, Petit Verdot, Malbec. Najčešće bijele sorte su Sauvignon blanc, Semilion i Muscadelle. Klasifikacija bordoških vina počela je 1855. godine. Bordoški vinogradi podjeljeni su na pet regija; Entre-Deux-Mers, Libournais, Bourgeais-Blayais, Gravec i Medoc.


Bordeaux is a wine region located in southwestern France and is home to the world’s most famous winemakers. It has a century-old tradition, and the wines of Bordeaux were enjoyed by the ancient Romans. There are 14,000 wine producers and 117,514 hectares of vineyards around the city of Bordeaux.

The region is close to the Gironde River and the Atlantic Ocean, which is why it has a maritime climate. The ocean and river bring mild winters and warm summers and long sunny autumns. The region is protected from strong ocean winds with a dense pine forest that runs parallel to the region. Due to the river and ocean, the region has calcareous soil with clay and sand, which is an extremely suitable soil for growing vines.

Bordeaux is best known for its red wines and noble sweet wines, but high-quality white wines are not far behind. Bordeaux red wines have a unique expression of the region that is recognizable all over the world. The most common black varieties that are grown are Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Petit Verdot, Malbec. The most common white varieties are Sauvignon blanc, Semilion and Muscadelle. The classification of Bordeaux wines began in 1855. The Bordeaux vineyards are divided into five regions; Entre-Deux-Mers, Libournais, Bourgeais-Blayais, Gravec and Medoc.



Chateau Canon nalazi se na ulazu u srednjovjekovno selo Saint Emilion. Vinogradi mu se nalaze na južnim padinama okolnih brda.

Stehpan i Sigweis von Neipperg su se doselili u chateau 1982. godine nakon njihove svadbe. Vinogradarstvo je u obitelji Neipperg prisutno već skoro osam stoljeća. Prvu berbu su imali 1988.godine.

Imanje ima oko 20 hektra na kojima su zasađene sorte Merlot i Cabernet Franc. Vinogradi su rangirani u Grand Crue klasu. U svojim vinogradima koriste organska gnojiva, imaju ručnu berbu te umjerene prinose i koriste nove bačve prilikom vinifikacije.

Chateau Canon is located at the entrance to the medieval village of Saint Emilion. Its vineyards are located on the southern slopes of the surrounding hills. Stehpan and Sigweis von Neipperg moved to the chateau in 1982 after their wedding. Viticulture has been present in the Neipperg family for almost eight centuries. They had their first harvest in 1988. The property has about 20 hectares on which the varieties Merlot and Cabernet Franc are planted. The vineyards are ranked in the Grand Crue class. They use organic fertilizers in their vineyards, have manual harvesting and moderate yields and use new barrels during vinification.