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Ovaj Chablis  ima briljantnu blijedožutu boju sa zelenim odsjajima. Izdiše cvjetni parfem koji otkriva note orlovih noktiju i citrusa. Okrugao i svjež na nepcu otkriva arome grejpa i badema.

This Chablis has a brilliant pale yellow color with green reflections. It exhales a floral perfume revealing notes of honeysuckle and citrus. Round and fresh on the palate il reveals grapefruit and almond aromas.

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Burgundija je jedna od 26 pokrajina Francuske, sastoji se od četiri dijela: Yonne, Cote-d’Or, Nievre i Saone-et-Loire, a smještena je na istoku Francuske. Dobila je naziv po bivšoj Kraljevini Burgundiji.

Burgundija je ravničarska zemlja sa uzvišenjima u središnjem dijelu, što je čini pogodnom za uzgoj poljoprivrednih kultura, a ponajviše grožđa. Poljoprivreda u Burgundiji je snažna i specijalizirana, regije Côtes de Beaune, Nuits, Hautes-Côtes, Côte Chalonnaise, Mâconnais, Beaujolais i drugi imaju razvijeno vinogradarstvo.

Klima Burgundije je pretežito kontinentalna s kratkim ljetima i hladnim zimama što je čini izazovnom za uzgoj grožđa. Vapnenačko tlo Burgundije ima veliku ulogu u karakteru njegovih vina, donosi mu suštinsku mineralnost i kompleksnost okusa,  posebice kod bijelih vina. Upravo je tlo zajedno s orijentacijom vinograda zaslužno za Premier Cru i Grand Cru status određenog položaja.

Burgundija ima oko 27 760 hektara zasađenih vinograda te 100 apelacija koje proizvode oko 1.5 milijuna hektolitara vina. Najjužnije vinorodno područje je Maconnaise s najpoznatijom apelacijom vrhunskog Chardonnay-a Pouilly-Fuisse. Najsjevernija područja su Chablis i Auxerrois, no srce i najpoznatiji dio Brugundije je Côte-d’Or. Burgundijska vina su pretežito bijela, a najpoznatija su vina Chardonnay, Pinot Noir i Pinot Blanc. Burgundijska vina smatraju se jednim od najprestižnijih i najskupljih vina na svijetu.


Burgundy is one of the 26 provinces of France, consists of four parts: Yonne, Cote-d’Or, Nievre and Saone-et-Loire, and is located in the east of France. It was named after the former Kingdom of Burgundy.

Burgundy is a lowland country with elevations in the central part, which makes it suitable for growing crops, especially grapes. Agriculture in Burgundy is strong and specialized, the regions of Côtes de Beaune, Nuits, Hautes-Côtes, Côte Chalonnaise, Mâconnais, Beaujolais and others have developed viticulture.

The climate of Burgundy is predominantly continental with short summers and cold winters making it challenging for grape growing. The calcareous soil of Burgundy plays a major role in the character of its wines, bringing it the essential minerality and complexity of taste, especially in white wines. It is the soil along with the orientation of the vineyards that is responsible for the Premier Cru and Grand Cru status of a particular location.

Burgundy has about 27,760 hectares of planted vineyards and 100 appeals that produce about 1.5 million hectoliters of wine. The southernmost wine-growing area is Maconnaise with the most famous appeal of the top Chardonnay Pouilly-Fuisse. The northernmost areas are Chablis and Auxerrois, but the heart and most famous part of Brugundy is the Côte-d’Or. Burgundy wines are predominantly white, and the most famous wines are Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Blanc. Burgundy wines are considered one of the most prestigious and expensive wines in the world.



Domaine Louis Latour pokriva 48 hektara vinograda, od crvenog Grand Crua u Chambertinu i Romanée-Saint-Vivant u Côte de Nuits do bijelog Grand Crua u Corton-Charlemagneu i Chevalier-Montrachetu u Côte de Beauneu. Tvrtka je napredovala tijekom 19. stoljeća, što je kulminirao kupnjom ovih izuzetnih lokacija. Vinogradi Louisa Latoura danas predstavljaju najveći posjed vinograda Grand Cru u Burgundiji.

Od ranih 1990-ih Maison Louis Latour aktivno se bavi održivim vinogradarstvom i radi na očuvanju ekosustava i bioraznolikosti svojih vinograda. Christophe Deola dijeli ovu viziju i aktivno prati i razvija rad koji su već pokrenuli njegovi prethodnici. U tom je duhu Maison Louis Latour odlučio prakticirati tradicionalne tehnike vinogradarstva gdje je briga o tlu neophodna kako bi se vinovoj lozi omogućilo da raste u najboljim uvjetima. Nekoliko primjera predanosti očuvanju ekosustava su korištenje pokrovnih usjeva između redova, proizvodnja vlastitog komposta i alternativne nekemijske mjere suzbijanja štetnika.

Filozofija Domaine Louisa Latoura oduvijek je bila maksimizirati kvalitetu grožđa za proizvodnju izvrsnih vina; 90% radova se obavlja u vinogradima, ali preostalih 10% je kritično. Briga i pažnja prema detaljima koja se vidi u našim vinogradima prenosi se i na naše vinarstvo gdje smo predani tradicionalnim i ručnim tehnikama. Sva domaine vina proizvode se u Aloxe-Cortonu u prekrasnom Corton Grancey Cuverie.


The Louis Latour Domaine covers 48 hectares of vineyards, from the red Grand Cru in Chambertin and the Romanée-Saint-Vivant in the Côte de Nuits to the white Grand Cru in Corton-Charlemagne and the Chevalier-Montrachet in the Côte de Beaune. The company thrived during the 19th century, culminating in the purchase of these exceptional locations. The Louis Latour vineyards today represent the largest estate of the Grand Cru vineyards in Burgundy.

Since the early 1990s, Maison Louis Latour has been actively involved in sustainable viticulture and working to preserve the ecosystem and biodiversity of its vineyards. Christophe Deola shares this vision and actively follows and develops the work already initiated by his predecessors. In this spirit, Maison Louis Latour decided to practice traditional viticulture techniques where soil care is necessary to allow the vine to grow in the best conditions. Several examples of commitment to ecosystem conservation are the use of cover crops between rows, the production of own compost, and alternative non-chemical pest control measures.

Louis Latour’s Domaine philosophy has always been to maximize the quality of grapes to produce excellent wines; 90% of the work is done in vineyards, but the remaining 10% is critical. The care and attention to detail seen in our vineyards is also transferred to our winery where we are committed to traditional and handmade techniques. All domaine wines are produced in Aloxe-Corton in the beautiful Corton Grancey Cuverie.