Tenuta San Guido Bolgheri-Sassicaia Sassicaia 2015, poput mnogih najboljih stvari u životu, započela je kao eksperiment, strastveni projekt koji je ostvaren zahvaljujući dobroj sreći i napornom radu.
Vino je nastalo četrdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća kao crveno ručno izrađeno od strane znatiželjnog renesansnog čovjeka koji je pokušao oponašati Bordeaux na svom imanju u Bolgheriju, u blizini toskanske obale. Postao je prototip nastale regije Bolgheri, inspirirajući mnoge druge dok se etablirao kao jedno od velikih vina Toskane i Italije. A prošle godine, 2018., 50 godina nakon prve komercijalne berbe vina, Tenuta San Guido Bolgheri-Sassicaia Sassicaia 2015 je Wine Spectatorovo vino godine.
Sassicaia je kultno vino, iako je njegov karakter strog u usporedbi s drugim Bordeauxovim mješavinama u Bolgheriju, veličanstveno stari. U zvjezdanoj berbi kao što je 2015, Sassicaia ima sve: bogate i koncentrirane okuse crne ribizle, kupine, ljubičice, minerala i začina povezanih gustom strukturom; živahnu kiselost koja pokreće dugi aftertaste i lijepo integriran hrast, pružajući besprijekornu ravnotežu.
No, Sassicaia 2015 je vrlo različita od ranih berbi koje je izradio Marchese Mario Incisa della Rocchetta, tvorac vina. Ta su vina proizvedena iz reznica Cabernet Franc u blizini Pise i zasađena visoko na brežuljku u unutrašnjosti, u blizini Castiglioncella. Iako izvorni vinograd još uvijek postoji, najveći dio vinogradarskih parcela Sassicaie danas se nalazi na nižim visinama.
Danas je Sassicaia 85% Cabernet Sauvignon i 15% Cabernet Franc.
Fermentira se u nehrđajućem čeliku, a zatim odležava u francuskim hrastovim bačvama, jedna trećina novih, 24 mjeseca.
„Bogata i koncentrirana, ova crvena boja sadrži crne ribizle, kupine, ljubičice, mineralne i začinske okuse. Gust, ali živahan, strukturiran, ali besprijekorno uravnotežen, sa živom kiselošću koja upravlja dugim aftertaste-om. Hrast je lijepo integriran. Cabernet Sauvignon i Cabernet Franc. Najbolje od 2023. do 2042.“ Bruce Sanderson
Sassicaia je zauzela svoje mjesto u panteonu velikih svjetskih vina i, zahvaljujući uspjehu berbe 2015., dobiva čast da bude proglašena Wine Spectatorovim vinom godine.
Tenuta San Guido Bolgheri-Sassicaia Sassicaia 2015, like many of the best things in life, began as an experiment, a passionate project accomplished thanks to good luck and hard work. The wine was created in the 1940s as red hand-made by a curious Renaissance man who tried to imitate Bordeaux on his estate in Bolgheri, near the Tuscan coast. It became a prototype of the resulting Bolgheri region, inspiring many others as it established itself as one of the great wines of Tuscany and Italy. And last year, 2018, 50 years after the first commercial wine harvest, Tenuta San Guido Bolgheri-Sassicaia Sassicaia 2015 was the Wine Spectator Wine of the Year. Sassicaia is a cult wine, although its character is strict compared to other Bordeaux blends in Bolgheri, magnificently old. In a stellar vintage like 2015, Sassicaia has it all: rich and concentrated flavors of black currant, blackberry, violet, mineral and spice linked by a dense structure; a lively acidity that drives a long aftertaste and a beautifully integrated oak, providing a flawless balance. But Sassicaia 2015 is very different from the early vintages made by Marchese Mario Incisa della Rocchetta, the wine maker. These wines were produced from Cabernet Franc cuttings near Pisa and planted high on a hill in the interior, near Castiglioncello. Although the original vineyard still exists, most of Sassicaia’s vineyard plots today are located at lower altitudes. Today, Sassicaia is 85% Cabernet Sauvignon and 15% Cabernet Franc. It is fermented in stainless steel and then aged in French oak barrels, one-third new, 24 months. “Rich and concentrated, this red color contains black currants, blackberries, violets, mineral and spicy flavors. Thick but lively, structured but flawlessly balanced, with lively acidity driving a long aftertaste. The oak is nicely integrated. Cabernet Sauvignon and Cabernet Franc. Best of 2023 to 2042. ”Bruce Sanderson Sassicaia has taken its place in the pantheon of great world wines and, thanks to the success of the 2015 vintage, gets the honor of being named Wine Spectator Wine of the Year.