
Boja: Prozirna i kristalna sa svijetlim odsjajima.
Nos: bogate note drveta.
Okus: Ovaj nevjerojatan i ukusan mezcal bogatog je karaktera te zadimljen s tragovima bilja i citrusa.
Color: Transparent and crystal with bright reflections.
The nose: rich notes of wood.
Taste: This fabulous and delicious mezcal has a rich character and smoky with hints of herbs and citrus.

Na zalihi

Ukoliko na zalihama nema dovoljna količina za Vašu narudžbu, slobodno nas kontaktirajte putem mail-a:  info@svijet-vina.hr

Le Tribute Durango napravljen je s maguey Cenizo u državi Durango, MX. Maestro Mezcalero Uriel Simental slijedi tradicionalni način proizvodnje, koristeći podzemnu pećnicu, ručno glodanje agave, prirodnu fermentaciju na otvorenom i drvenu posudu.
Le Tribute Mezcal u vlasništvu je tvrtke MG Destilerias koja se nalazi na jugu Barcelone u Španjolskoj, no proizvod se proizvodi i puni u meksičkom Durangu. Tvrtka je poznatija po svom Le Tribute ginu, kao i po svojim kreacijama bez alkohola Le Tribute toniku, i pivu od đumbira. Za proizvodnju ovog mezcala destilerija se obvezala posaditi dvije agave za svaku ubranu.

Le Tribute Durango is made with maguey Cenizo in the state of Durango, MX. Maestro Mezcalero Uriel Simental follows the traditional method of production, using an underground pit oven, milling the agave by hand, natural open-air fermentation, and a wooden still.

Le Tribute Mezcal is owned by MG Destilerias, which is located in the south of Barcelona, Spain, however the product is produced and bottled in Durango, Mexico. The company is more commonly known for their Le Tribute gin as well as its alcohol-free creations Le Tribute tonic, ginger ale and ginger beer. For the production of this mezcal, the distillery has committed itself to replant two agaves for each one that has been harvested.

Destilerija / Distillery

Destilerija / Distillery

LE TRIBUTE Gin je najsvježije izdanje koje proizvodi  Destilierias MG, obiteljska destilerija u Vilanovama, čudesnom ribarskom naselju koje se nalazi oko 50 kilometara od Barcelone. Destilerija koju je 1845. godine osnovala obitelj Giro, jedan je od najstarijih u Španjolskoj. Logotip LE TRIBUTE bez sumnje je inspiriran poviješću destilerije, budući da je proveo prvih sto godina stvarajući sirupe i lijekove. Dok se industrija destilerije možda promijenila, obitelj iza njega ostaje ista. Pet generacija obitelji Giro  stoji iza Destilierias MG, prenoseći njihovo znanja o destiliranju s oca na sina.

LE TRIBUTE Gin is the latest edition produced by Destilierias MG, a family distillery in Vilanova, a wonderful fishing village located about 50 kilometers from Barcelona. The distillery, founded in 1845 by the Giro family, is one of the oldest in Spain. The LE TRIBUTE logo is undoubtedly inspired by the history of the distillery, as it has spent the first hundred years creating syrups and medicines. While the distillery industry may have changed, the family behind it remains the same. Five  generations of the Giro family stand behind Destilierias MG, passing on their knowledge of distilling from father to son.