
Kristalno proziran sa srebrnim odsjajima, punog tijela.Na nosu se osjeti kuhana agava, karamela, zeleni čili, slatko voće i svježe pokošena trava s suptilnim aromama poljskog cvijeća.
Na nepcu biljni prednji dio s naznakama karamele, korice limete i klinčića, s mineralnim i začinjenim okusom.

Crystal clear with silver reflections, full bodied. On the nose you can feel cooked agave, caramel, green chili, sweet fruit and freshly cut grass with subtle aromas of wildflowers. On the palate, a herbal front with hints of caramel, lime zest and cloves, with a mineral and spicy taste.

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Ovaj mezcal napravljen je od zelene agave, biljke porijeklom iz pustinja u državi San Luis Potosí. Inspiriran legendarnim pričama iz San Luis Potosija, duh i boca naše najnovije ikone hvataju bit pustinjskih padina i dolina ove države.

This mezcal is made with green agave, a plant native to the deserts in the state of San Luis Potosí. Inspired by legendary tales from San Luis Potosí, the spirit and decanter of our newest icon capture the essence of this state’s desert slopes and valleys.

Destilerija / Distillery

Destilerija / Distillery

Pozivamo vas da iskusite čaroliju tekile koju je stvorila zajednica obrtnika koji dijele svoju viziju, srce i dušu u svakoj jedinstvenoj i ručno izrađenoj bočici Clase Azul.

We invite you to experience the magic of tequila created by a community of artisans who share their vision, heart and soul in each unique and handmade bottle of Clase Azul.