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L’Eglise-Clinet 2016. sazrijevao je u 80% novom hrastu i punjen u boce sredinom travnja 2018. Kristalno jasne boje, ima jednako kristalno čist buket koji je krajnje zavodljiv, s crvenim trešnjama, šumskim jagodama, božurima i cvjetovima irisa i tračak lovorova lista. Mogli biste sjediti i nositi ovo cijeli dan. Uravnoteženo nepce je srednjeg tijela i hvata se u ustima, prikazujući podatni tanin i savršenu liniju kiselosti. Opet, postoji simetrija u vezi ovog Pomerola koja je potpuno zapanjujuća, a upornost je tamo gore s najboljima. Jednostavno rečeno, ovo je jedno od najboljih vina L’Eglise-Clinet koje sam probao posljednjih godina. Zadivljujuće vino. Pijte 2026-2066.

Neal Martin,, siječanj 2019

The 2016 L’Eglise-Clinet was matured in 80% new oak and bottled in mid-April 2018. Crystal clear in color, it has an equally crystal clear bouquet that is utterly seductive, featuring red cherries, wild strawberry, peony and iris flowers and a hint of bay leaf. You could sit and nose this all day. The balanced palate is medium-bodied and grippy in the mouth, displaying supple tannin and a perfect line of acidity. Again, there is a symmetry about this Pomerol that is utterly beguiling, and the persistence is up there with the very best. Simply put, this is one of the best L’Eglise-Clinet wines I have tasted in recent years. Stunning. Drink 2026-2066.

Neal Martin, (Jan 2019), January 2019

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Pomerol je vrlo cijenjena apelacija crnog vina u regiji Bordeaux u jugozapadnoj Francuskoj. Pomerol nema formaliziran sustav klasifikacije vina (kao i Médoc, Graves, Sauternes i Saint-Émilion), a svoju je sadašnju slavu doživio u relativno kratkom vremenu. Pomerol se nalazi na istoku regije Bordeaux, u blizini Saint-Émiliona, u području poznatom kao Libournais – grad Libourne nalazi se južno od Pomerola. Dok je većina naziva nazvana po selu ili gradu unutar svojih granica, Pomerol nema takav epicentar.

Jug i zapad apelativa imaju pjeskovito tlo u odnosu na nešto teža tla na istoku, koja uključuju određeni udio gline. Upravo u ovom istočnom dijelu, na marginalno višoj zemlji gdje se Pomerol susreće sa Saint-Émilionom, proizvode se najbolja vina. Ovdje se nalaze tri najcjenjenija proizvođača Pomerola – châteaux Pétrus, Lafleur i Le Pin.

Merlot je dominantno grožđe u Pomerolu i ima veliku ulogu u tome da vina budu bogata, glatka i pristupačna već u ranoj dobi, a također su sposobna za produženo odležavanje. Često je prisutan i Cabernet Franc , koji dodaje strukturu i element slanog začina. Ove karakteristike znače da su vina Pomerol vrlo tražena na međunarodnom tržištu.

Pomerol is a highly regarded red wine appeal in the Bordeaux region of southwestern France. Pomerol does not have a formalized wine classification system (like Médoc, Graves, Sauternes and Saint-Émilion), and it experienced its current fame in a relatively short time. Pomerol is located in the east of the Bordeaux region, near Saint-Émilion, in an area known as Libournais – the city of Libourne is located south of Pomerol. While most names are named after a village or town within its borders, Pomerol does not have such an epicenter.

The south and west appellations have sandy soils compared to the slightly heavier soils in the east, which include a certain proportion of clay. It is in this eastern part, on the marginally higher country where Pomerol meets Saint-Émilion, that the best wines are produced. Here are the three most respected producers of Pomerola – châteaux Pétrus, Lafleur and Le Pin.

Merlot is the dominant grape in Pomerol and plays a major role in making wines rich, smooth and affordable at an early age, and also capable of prolonged aging. Cabernet Franc is also often present, which adds structure and an element of salty spice. These characteristics mean that Pomerol wines are in great demand on the international market.

L'Eglise Clinet rođena je iz partnerstva između obitelji Mauleon Rouchut Clos L'Eglise i obitelji Constant, vlasnika Chateau Clinet; sve do tog međusobnog braka njihovo vino bilo je poznato kao Clos L'Eglise Clinet sve do 1950 -ih. Tijekom svoje povijesti imanje je bilo na dohvat ruke potomaka Rouchut, obitelji Durantou. Prvi Durantou, Jacques, imao je vrlo malo interesa za vinogradarstvo i činjenica ne iznenađuje s obzirom na to da se u to vrijeme u poljoprivredi moglo više zaraditi. Umjesto da se bave vinogradima, Durantous je dogovorio da Pierre Lasserre upravlja vinogradima i zauzvrat dobije 50% prihoda- aranžman koji je važio osamdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća, kada je preuzeo unuk i sadašnji vlasnik Denis. Srećom, ovaj Durantou ima daleko veći interes za vinogradarstvo jer je studirao enologiju na Sveučilištu u Bordeauxu. Na čelu, Denis Durantou doveo je ovo bižutičko imanje u moderno doba i kvaliteta od tada stalno raste.
L’Eglise Clinet was born out of a partnership between the Mauleon Rouchut family of Clos L’Eglise and the Constant family, owners of Chateau Clinet; down to this intermarriage their wine was known as Clos L’Eglise Clinet up until the 1950s. Throughout its history, the property remained within the grasp of the Rouchut descendents, the Durantou family. The first Durantou, Jacques, had very little interest in viticulture and the fact is hardly surprising considering that at the time there was more money to be made in farming. Instead of concerning themselves with the vinyards, the Durantous arranged that Pierre Lasserre should manage the vineyards and in return receive 50% of the proceeds- an arrangement that held into the 1980s, when the grandson and current owner, Denis, took over. Thankfully this Durantou has a far greater interest in viticulture having studied oenology at the University of Bordeaux. At the helm, Denis Durantou led this bijoux estate into the modern age and quality has been rising steadily ever since.