
Vino impresionira svojim uglađenim i profinjenim karakterom, otkrivajući arome parfimiranih ljubičica, ruža i suptilnog sladića. Postignuta je savršena ravnoteža, s preciznim slojevima crnog voća, minerala i olovke besprijekorno isprepletenih. Ovaj dragulj iz Bordeauxa predstavlja se na elegantan i otmjen način, koji kulminira čvrstom, ali besprijekornom završnom obradom.

The wine impresses with its polished and refined character, revealing aromas of perfumed violets, roses, and subtle liquorice. A perfect balance is achieved, with precise layers of black fruit, minerals, and pencil lead seamlessly intertwined. This Bordeaux gem presents itself with a sleek and classy manner, culminating in a firm yet seamless finish.


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Bordeaux je vinska regija smještena u jugozapadnoj Francuskoj te je domovina najpoznatijih svjetskih vinara. Ima stoljetnu tradiciju, a u vinima Bordeaux-a uživali su i stari Rimljani. Oko grada Bordeaux-a se nalazi 14 000 proizvođača vina te 117 514 hektara vinograda.

Regija je u blizini rijeke Gironde te Atlantskog oceana zbog čega ima morsku klimu. Ocean i rijeka donose blagu zimu i topla ljeta te duge sunčane jeseni. Regija je zaštićena od oceanskih snažnih vjetrova sa gustom borovom šumom koja se proteže paralelno uz regiju. Zbog rijeke i oceana regija ima vapnenačko tlo sa glinom i pijeskom što je izuzetno pogodno tlo za uzgoj vinove loze.

Bordeaux je najpoznatiji po crvenim vinima te plemenitim slatkim vinima, no ne zaostaju ni visokokvalitetna bijela vina. Bordeaux crvena vina imaju jedinstveni izražaj regije koji je prepoznatljiv u cijelom svijetu. Najčešće crne sorte koja se uzgajaju su Cabernet sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet franc, Petit Verdot, Malbec. Najčešće bijele sorte su Sauvignon blanc, Semilion i Muscadelle. Klasifikacija bordoških vina počela je 1855. godine. Bordoški vinogradi podjeljeni su na pet regija; Entre-Deux-Mers, Libournais, Bourgeais-Blayais, Gravec i Medoc.


Bordeaux is a wine region located in southwestern France and is home to the world’s most famous winemakers. It has a century-old tradition, and the wines of Bordeaux were enjoyed by the ancient Romans. There are 14,000 wine producers and 117,514 hectares of vineyards around the city of Bordeaux.

The region is close to the Gironde River and the Atlantic Ocean, which is why it has a maritime climate. The ocean and river bring mild winters and warm summers and long sunny autumns. The region is protected from strong ocean winds with a dense pine forest that runs parallel to the region. Due to the river and ocean, the region has calcareous soil with clay and sand, which is an extremely suitable soil for growing vines.

Bordeaux is best known for its red wines and noble sweet wines, but high-quality white wines are not far behind. Bordeaux red wines have a unique expression of the region that is recognizable all over the world. The most common black varieties that are grown are Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Petit Verdot, Malbec. The most common white varieties are Sauvignon blanc, Semilion and Muscadelle. The classification of Bordeaux wines began in 1855. The Bordeaux vineyards are divided into five regions; Entre-Deux-Mers, Libournais, Bourgeais-Blayais, Gravec and Medoc.



Château Lafite Rothschild je vinsko imanje u regiji Pauillac u Médocu, koje proizvodi jedno od najtraženijih i najskupljih crnih vina na svijetu. Lafite Rothschild poznat je po svojoj eleganciji, finoći i harmoniji, za razliku od moćnijih Latoura i Moutona Rothschilda. I uz to sjajne berbe mogu stariti 50 godina ili više.

Imanje je počelo stjecati reputaciju vinarskog imanja krajem 1600-ih; do druge polovice sljedećeg stoljeća bilo je poznato kao “Kraljevsko vino” u Versaillesu, a bio je priznat i u Londonu. Priznanje se nije smanjilo pa je 1855. godine Bordeauxov klasifikacijski Lafite rangiran kao prvi rast. Kupio ga je barun James de Rothschild 1868. godine.

Vinograd Lafite Rothschild zauzima oko 277 hektara na sunčanim, dobro dreniranim mjestima sačinjenim od sitnog šljunka i pijeska nad podzemljem vapnenca. Vinograd je podijeljen u tri dijela: vinove loze na obroncima oko dvorca predstavljaju temeljni materijal za grand vin, dok je susjedna visoravan Carruades na zapadu odgovornija za drugo vino koje nosi njegovo ime. Uz to imanju pripada i zemljište od 4,5 hektara u Saint-Estèpheu; neobično ima dozvolu za uvrštavanje voća u svoja vina klasificirana u Pauillac. Oko 70 % vinograda zasađeno je Cabernet Sauvignonom, s 25 % Merlotom, 3 % Cabernet Francom i 2% Petit Verdotom.

Precizna mješavina Lafite Rothschilda može se razlikovati. Često sadrži između 80-95 % Cabernet sauvignona, a Merlot čini velik dio ostatka. Vino odležava do 20 mjeseci u novim hrastovim bačvama.

Carruades de Lafite je drugo vino, kao jaki sljedbenik samo po sebi. Više konačnih mješavina pojavljuje se sa više Merlota (30-50 % ). Odležava 18-20 mjeseci, s 80 % u bačvama i 20 % u spremniku.

I susjedno imanje Duhart-Milon u istom je vlasništvu, a njime upravlja isti tim kao i Lafite. Domaines Barons de Rothschild također posjeduje Premier Grand Cru Classé Château Rieussec u Sauternesu, Château L’Évangile u Pomerolu i tri bordoška brenda, Légende, Saga i Résérve Spéciale. Nekretnina dalje obuhvaća Domaine d’Aussières u Languedocu, Los Vascos u Čileu i Bodegas Caro u Mendozi u Argentini.


Château Lafite Rothschild is a wine estate in the Pauillac region of the Médoc, producing one of the most sought-after and expensive red wines in the world. Lafite Rothschild is known for its elegance, finesse and harmony, in contrast to the more powerful Latour and Mouton Rothschild. Nevertheless, great vintages can age for 50 years or more.

The estate began to earn its reputation as a winemaking property in the late 1600s; by the second half of the following century it was known as “The King’s Wine” at Versailles, and had a strong following in London. The acclaim did not diminish and in the 1855 Bordeaux Classification Lafite was ranked a first growth. It was bought by Baron James de Rothschild in 1868.

The Lafite Rothschild vineyard covers around 277 acres on sunny, well-drained sites made up of fine gravel and sand over limestone subsoil. The vineyard is divided into three parts: the vines on the hillsides around the château provide the core material for the grand vin, while the adjacent Carruades plateau to the west is more responsible for the second wine that bears its name. Additionally a 4.5-ha (11-acre) plot in Saint-Estèphe also belongs to the estate; unusually it has permission to include the fruit in its Pauillac-classified wines. Around 70 percent of the vineyards are planted to Cabernet Sauvignon, with 25 percent to Merlot, 3 percent to Cabernet Franc and 2 percent to Petit Verdot.

The precise blend of Lafite Rothschild can vary. It often contains between 80-95 percent Cabernet Sauvignon, with Merlot making up much of the rest. The wine is aged for up to 20 months in new oak barrels.

Carruades de Lafite is the second wine, with a strong following in its own right. More Merlot (30-50 percent) appears in the final blend. It is aged for 18-20 months, with 80 percent in barrels and 20 percent in tank.

The neighboring property Duhart-Milon is under the same ownership, and managed by the same team as Lafite. Domaines Barons de Rothschild also owns the Premier Grand Cru Classé Château Rieussec in Sauternes, Château L’Évangile in Pomerol, and three Bordeaux brands, Légende, Saga and Résérve Spéciale. Properties further afield include Domaine d’Aussières in Languedoc, Los Vascos in Chile and Bodegas Caro in Mendoza, Argentina.