
Čvrsto, strukturirano  s hladnom i čvrstom jezgrom tamnog ribiza, kupine, katrana, olovke i gorke čokolade. Naznake duhana također. Čvrsti ali svilenkasti tanini. Vrlo čist, s dugim, mineralnim završetkom. Intenzivan i vrlo fokusiran.

Firm, structured and pure with a cool and solid core of dark currants, blackberries, tar, pencil lead and bitter chocolate. Hints of tobacco, too. Firm but silky tannins. Very pure, with a long, mineral finish. Intense and very focused. 

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Bordeaux je vinska regija smještena u jugozapadnoj Francuskoj te je domovina najpoznatijih svjetskih vinara. Ima stoljetnu tradiciju, a u vinima Bordeaux-a uživali su i stari Rimljani. Oko grada Bordeaux-a se nalazi 14 000 proizvođača vina te 117 514 hektara vinograda.

Regija je u blizini rijeke Gironde te Atlantskog oceana zbog čega ima morsku klimu. Ocean i rijeka donose blagu zimu i topla ljeta te duge sunčane jeseni. Regija je zaštićena od oceanskih snažnih vjetrova sa gustom borovom šumom koja se proteže paralelno uz regiju. Zbog rijeke i oceana regija ima vapnenačko tlo sa glinom i pijeskom što je izuzetno pogodno tlo za uzgoj vinove loze.

Bordeaux je najpoznatiji po crvenim vinima te plemenitim slatkim vinima, no ne zaostaju ni visokokvalitetna bijela vina. Bordeaux crvena vina imaju jedinstveni izražaj regije koji je prepoznatljiv u cijelom svijetu. Najčešće crne sorte koja se uzgajaju su Cabernet sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet franc, Petit Verdot, Malbec. Najčešće bijele sorte su Sauvignon blanc, Semilion i Muscadelle. Klasifikacija bordoških vina počela je 1855. godine. Bordoški vinogradi podjeljeni su na pet regija; Entre-Deux-Mers, Libournais, Bourgeais-Blayais, Gravec i Medoc.

Bordeaux is a wine region located in southwestern France and is home to the world’s most famous winemakers. It has a century-old tradition, and the wines of Bordeaux were enjoyed by the ancient Romans. There are 14,000 wine producers and 117,514 hectares of vineyards around the city of Bordeaux.

The region is close to the Gironde River and the Atlantic Ocean, which is why it has a maritime climate. The ocean and river bring mild winters and warm summers and long sunny autumns. The region is protected from strong ocean winds with a dense pine forest that runs parallel to the region. Due to the river and ocean, the region has calcareous soil with clay and sand, which is an extremely suitable soil for growing vines.

Bordeaux is best known for its red wines and noble sweet wines, but high-quality white wines are not far behind. Bordeaux red wines have a unique expression of the region that is recognizable all over the world. The most common black varieties that are grown are Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Petit Verdot, Malbec. The most common white varieties are Sauvignon blanc, Semilion and Muscadelle. The classification of Bordeaux wines began in 1855. The Bordeaux vineyards are divided into five regions; Entre-Deux-Mers, Libournais, Bourgeais-Blayais, Gravec and Medoc.



Château Ducru-Beaucaillou nekretnina je u Saint-Julien  apelacije Médoc, ocijenjen kao drugi rast u Bordeaux klasifikaciji iz 1855. godine . Često se opisuje kao suštinski Saint-Julien-duboko obojen i snažno zreo, ali uravnotežen i skladan. Grand vinu obično treba 10 godina starenja i može trajati desetljećima. Drugo vino, Croix de Beaucaillou, također se proizvodi iz vinograda Ducru.

Vinograd od 75 hektara (185 jutara) nalazi se na jugoistoku naziva, u blizini sela Beychevelle i na granici s Branaire-Ducru. Nalazi se u blizini rijeke koja štiti od mraza i tuče, a na najdubljim šljunčanim slojevima pojačana je drenaža, večernja toplina i zaštitni sloj koji sprječava isušivanje podzemlja u toplinskim valovima. Aluvijalne naslage i visok sadržaj gline obogaćuju tlo, a vinograd je dobio ime po tom “prekrasnom kamenjum”. Sadi se 70 posto u Cabernet Sauvignon i 30 posto u Merlot .

Grožđe se sortira u vinogradu na pokretnim stolovima kako bi se na vrijeme odvojilo nezdravo grožđe, a određene vinogradarske parcele vinificiraju se zasebno. Za starenje koristi se između 50-80 posto novog drva, ovisno o berbi.

Dvorac je neobičan za regiju jer se gradi izravno nad vinskim podrumima, a u njemu i dalje živi obitelj koja posjeduje imanje. Obitelj Borie također posjeduje dvorce Lalande-Borie u Saint-Julienu i Ducluzeau u Listrac-Médocu.


Château Ducru-Beaucaillou is a property in the Saint-Julien appellation of the Médoc, rated a second growth in the 1855 Bordeaux Classification. It is often described as the quintessential Saint-Julien – deeply colored and powerfully ripe, yet balanced and harmonious. The grand vin usually needs 10 years of aging and can last for decades. A second wine, Croix de Beaucaillou, is also produced from the Ducru vineyard.

The 75-hectare (185-acre) vineyard is situated in the southeast of the appellation, near the village of Beychevelle and bordering Branaire-Ducru. It is near the river, which gives protection from frost and hail, and on the deepest gravel layers there is enhanced drainage, evening warmth, and a protective layer stopping the subsoil from drying out in heat waves. Alluvial deposits and a high clay content enrich the soil, and the vineyard takes its name from these “beautiful stones”. It is planted 70 percent to Cabernet Sauvignon and 30 percent to Merlot.

Grapes are sorted in the vineyard on mobile tables to promptly separate out any unhealthy grapes, and specific vineyard plots are vinified separately. Barrel-ageing uses between 50-80 percent new wood, depending on the vintage.

The château is unusual for the region in being built directly over the wine cellars, and in that it is still inhabited by the family who own the estate. The Borie family also own the châteaux Lalande-Borie in Saint-Julien and Ducluzeau in Listrac-Médoc.