
Kupine i borovnice s suptilnom crnom čokoladom i ljubičicama na nosu, nakon punog nepca s poliranim, kremastim taninima. Prekrasna ravnoteža i doista profinjena tekstura.

Blackberries and blueberries with subtle black chocolate and violets on the nose, following to a full-bodied palate with polished, creamy tannins. Beautiful balance and really refined texture. 


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Pomerol je vrlo cijenjena apelacija crnog vina u regiji Bordeaux u jugozapadnoj Francuskoj. Pomerol nema formaliziran sustav klasifikacije vina (kao i Médoc, Graves, Sauternes i Saint-Émilion), a svoju je sadašnju slavu doživio u relativno kratkom vremenu. Pomerol se nalazi na istoku regije Bordeaux, u blizini Saint-Émiliona, u području poznatom kao Libournais – grad Libourne nalazi se južno od Pomerola. Dok je većina naziva nazvana po selu ili gradu unutar svojih granica, Pomerol nema takav epicentar.

Jug i zapad apelativa imaju pjeskovito tlo u odnosu na nešto teža tla na istoku, koja uključuju određeni udio gline. Upravo u ovom istočnom dijelu, na marginalno višoj zemlji gdje se Pomerol susreće sa Saint-Émilionom, proizvode se najbolja vina. Ovdje se nalaze tri najcjenjenija proizvođača Pomerola – châteaux Pétrus, Lafleur i Le Pin.

Merlot je dominantno grožđe u Pomerolu i ima veliku ulogu u tome da vina budu bogata, glatka i pristupačna već u ranoj dobi, a također su sposobna za produženo odležavanje. Često je prisutan i Cabernet Franc , koji dodaje strukturu i element slanog začina. Ove karakteristike znače da su vina Pomerol vrlo tražena na međunarodnom tržištu.

Pomerol is a highly regarded red wine appeal in the Bordeaux region of southwestern France. Pomerol does not have a formalized wine classification system (like Médoc, Graves, Sauternes and Saint-Émilion), and it experienced its current fame in a relatively short time. Pomerol is located in the east of the Bordeaux region, near Saint-Émilion, in an area known as Libournais – the city of Libourne is located south of Pomerol. While most names are named after a village or town within its borders, Pomerol does not have such an epicenter.

The south and west appellations have sandy soils compared to the slightly heavier soils in the east, which include a certain proportion of clay. It is in this eastern part, on the marginally higher country where Pomerol meets Saint-Émilion, that the best wines are produced. Here are the three most respected producers of Pomerola – châteaux Pétrus, Lafleur and Le Pin.

Merlot is the dominant grape in Pomerol and plays a major role in making wines rich, smooth and affordable at an early age, and also capable of prolonged aging. Cabernet Franc is also often present, which adds structure and an element of salty spice. These characteristics mean that Pomerol wines are in great demand on the international market.

Château Clinet je proizvođač vina koji se nalazi u Pomerolu, Bordeaux, na desnoj obali Gironde. Vinogradi su zasađeni pretežno Merlotom, uz male količine Cabernet Sauvignona. Ove se proporcije zrcale u sastavu visoko cijenjenog i vrijednog grand vin -a. Berbe 1989. i 2009. obje su postigle savršene ocjene od 100 bodova od Roberta Parkera. Kad je obitelj Laborde 1998. kupila dvorac, konzultant Michel Rolland povećao je vrijeme koje je grand vin proveo u novom hrastu i uveo niz modernih tehnika vinarstva u vinariju. Danas se dvorac oslanja na vlastitu skupinu vinara. Vinograd je jedno od najstarijih u Pomerolu, a dokazi datiraju iz 1595. godine. 11 hektara (27 jutara) uzgaja se prema održivim postupcima. Između vinove loze nalazi se travnati pokrivač, a oko jedne trećine posjeda oran je konjima. Nadstrešnica je visoko obučena prema Bordeaux standardima, na 1,75 metara (5 stopa 9 inča). Nakon ručnog sortiranja grand vin fermentira u termo reguliranim spremnicima od nehrđajućeg čelika s ručnim probijanjem. Obično odležava oko 16 mjeseci u barikovima od 225 litara, sa 75 posto novog i 25 posto jednogodišnjeg drva. Koriste se posebni držači za bačve kako bi se omogućilo jednostavno okretanje cijevi, kako bi se izbjeglo miješanje. Fleur de Clinet izrađen je u partnerstvu s odabirom uzgajivača u cijelom Pomerolu. To je tipično 95: 5 kombinacija Merlota i Cabernet Franca. Odležava 12 mjeseci u bačvama za drugo punjenje. Obitelj Laborde radila je na daljnjem proširenju Clinetovog asortimana stvaranjem pristupačnog asortimana crvenih i bijelih vina na razini AOC Bordeauxa.     Château Clinet is a wine producer located in Pomerol, Bordeaux, on the Right Bank of the Gironde. The vineyards are planted predominantly to Merlot, alongside small amounts of Cabernet Sauvignon. These proportions are mirrored in the makeup of the highly regarded and ageworthy grand vin. The 1989 and 2009 vintages both achieved perfect 100-point scores from Robert Parker. When the Laborde family bought the château in 1998, consultant Michel Rolland increased the amount of time the grand vin spent in new oak and introduced a range of modern winemaking techniques in the winery. Today the château relies on an in-house group of winemakers. The vineyard site is one of the oldest in Pomerol, with evidence dated back to 1595. The 11 hectares (27 acres) are farmed using sustainable practices. There is grass cover between the vines, and around one-third of the property is plowed by horse. The canopy is trained high by Bordeaux standards, at 1.75 meters (5ft 9in). After manual sorting the grand vin is fermented in thermo-regulated stainless steel tanks with manual punchdowns. It is typically aged for around 16 months in 225-liter barriques, with 75 percent new and 25 percent one-year-old wood. Special barrel racks are used to allow the barrels to be easily rotated, to avoid stirring. Fleur de Clinet is made in partnership with a selection of growers throughout Pomerol. It is typically a 95:5 combination of Merlot and Cabernet Franc. It is aged for 12 months in second-fill barrels. The Laborde family has worked to further extend Clinet's range by creating an approachable range of AOC Bordeaux-level red and white wines.