
Sa svojom suptilnom aromom, ova kupaže je referentna točka Rosé šampanjaca. Ugodan pratilac za vaše najsretnije trenutke sa svojom svjetlucavom bojom, nevjerojatnog okusa  i velikog intenziteta. Prekrasno pakiranje sa 2 čaše.

With its subtle aroma, this blend is the reference point of Rosé champagnes. A pleasant companion for your happiest moments with its sparkling color, amazing taste and great intensity. Beautiful package with 2 glasses.

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Perlanje koje traje s nježnim mjehurićima koji se uzdižu karakteristika su ovog Brut rose-a zajedno s blijedom bojom lososa i nijansom zlata. Cuvee koji odiše finim notama crvenog voća, svježe kruške i korice citrusa. Posebna metoda vinifikacije daje ovom cuvee-u lagan elegantan okus divljih jagoda i citrusa sa svježim završetkom okusa na malinu.

Pearls that last with gentle bubbles that rise are a feature of this Brut rose along with the pale salmon color and shade of gold. A cuvee that exudes fine notes of red fruit, fresh pear and citrus peel. A special method of vinification gives this cuvee a light elegant taste of wild strawberries and citrus with a fresh raspberry flavor finish.


Povijesna pokrajina Champagne nalazi se na sjeveroistoku Francuske te je jedna od najpoznatijih svjetskih regija u kojoj se proizvode prirodna pjenušava vina. Naziv Champagne ekskluzivan je samo za proizvođače iz te regije, a sustav zaštite geografskog podrijetla jedan je od najstarijih u Europi (Appellation d′origine contrôlée – AOC). Površine koje obuhvaća pokrajina Champagne za proizvodnju šampanjca određene su 1927. prema AOC, one iznose 34 000 hektara. Na području Champagne sveukupno se nalazi oko 16 000 vinara s 278 000 vinograda.

Pokrajina je podijeljena na 5 okruga za proizvodnju vina: Aube, Côte des Blancs, Côte de Sézanne, Montagne de Reims i Vallée de la Marne. Najzastupljenije sorte su Pinot noir, Pinot Meunier i Chardonnay. Najpoznatiji šampanjski cuvée radi se upravo iz ovog grožđa, Blanc de blancs je šampanjac proizveden 100% iz grožđa Chardonnay-a, a Blanc de noirs je šampanjac proizveden od Pinot noir-a, Pinot meunier-a ili kupaže istih.

Povijest šampanjaca započinje s benediktancem Pierre Perignonom koji je u opatiji Hautvillers kraj Epernaya otkrio drugu fermenaciju. Pierre Perignon, pionir proizvodnje šampanjaca, najviše je poznat po pomnom biranju baznih vina te pravljenju prvih „blendova“ za šampanjce. Revolucija u proizvodnji šampanjaca dogodila se u Limouxu, provođenjem druge fermentacije u boci.

Boce šampanjca kada se napune u vinarijama odlaze na odležavanje u rudnike krede ispod vinarija, dugi i po nekoliko kilometara, neki se nalaze čak 40 metara ispod površine. Klima koju oni stvore puna je vlage i savršene temperature za odležavanje vina te stvaranje bukea šampanjaca.


The historic province of Champagne is located in the northeast of France and is one of the world’s most famous regions where natural sparkling wines are produced. The name Champagne is exclusive only to producers from that region, and the system of protection of geographical origin is one of the oldest in Europe (Appellation d′origine contrôlée – AOC). The areas covered by the province of Champagne for the production of champagne were determined in 1927 according to the AOC, they amount to 34,000 hectares. In the Champagne area, there are a total of about 16,000 winemakers with 278,000 vineyards.

The province is divided into 5 wine-producing districts: Aube, Côte des Blancs, Côte de Sézanne, Montagne de Reims and Vallée de la Marne. The most common varieties are Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier and Chardonnay. The most famous champagne cuvée is made from this grape, Blanc de blancs is a champagne produced 100% from Chardonnay grapes, and Blanc de noirs is a champagne produced from Pinot noir, Pinot meunier or a blend of the same.

The history of champagne begins with the Benedictine Pierre Perignon, who discovered another fermentation in the abbey of Hautvillers near Epernay. Pierre Perignon, a pioneer of champagne production, is best known for carefully choosing base wines and making the first “blends” for champagne. A revolution in champagne production took place in Limoux, by conducting a second fermentation in the bottle.

When the bottles of champagne are filled in the wineries, they go to age in the chalk mines under the wineries, several kilometers long, some of which are as much as 40 meters below the surface. The climate they create is full of humidity and the perfect temperature for aging wine and creating a bouquet of champagne.



Nicolas François Billecart i Elisabeth Salmon započeli su davne 1818. godine priču šampanjske kuće Billecart-Salmon. Njihova nepromjenjiva zakletva „Dajte prioritet kvaliteti, težite izvrsnosti.“ ostala je ista kroz dvostoljetnu obiteljsku tradiciju proizvodnje vrhunskih pjenušaca. Velika i dugogodišnja tradicija proizvodnje potiče šampanjsku kuću Billecart-Salmon na balansiranje između visoke kvalitete i potražnje, te njihove velike ljubavi prema šampanjcima koji kriju određenu količinu misterija u sebi.

Šampanjska kuća Billecart-Salmon posjeduje 50 hektra svojih vinograda, a surađuje s najboljim vinogradarima u Champagne regiji, od kojih nabavlja grožđe s još 170 hektara. Poseban je naglasak kod odabira grožđa na njegovu kvalitetu te položaj uzgoja.

U proizvodnji, šampanjska kuća Billecart-Salmon uvijek je koristila najmoderniju i inovativnu tehnologiju te neprekidno teži poboljšanju iste. Prilikom stvaranja šampanjca koriste se samo najbolje od Chardonnay-a, Pinot Noir-a i Pinot Meunier-a s položaja Côte des Blancs do Reims Mountain, te desne obale rijeke Marne. Odležavanje u prostranim podrumima 17. i 19. stoljeća dodatno pridonosi visokoj kvaliteti šampanjaca.

Nicolas François Billecart and Elisabeth Salmon began the story of the champagne house Billecart-Salmon back in 1818. Their unchanging oath “Prioritize quality, strive for excellence.” Has remained the same through a two-century family tradition of producing premium champagnes. The great and long tradition of production encourages the champagne house Billecart-Salmon to balance between high quality and demand, and their great love for champagnes that hide a certain amount of mystery in themselves.

The Billecart-Salmon champagne house owns 50 hectares of its vineyards and collaborates with the best winegrowers in the Champagne region, from whom it procures grapes from another 170 hectares. Special emphasis in the selection of grapes is on its quality and position of cultivation.

In production, the champagne house Billecart-Salmon has always used the most modern and innovative technology and is constantly striving to improve it. When creating champagne, only the best of Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier from the Côte des Blancs to Reims Mountain and the right bank of the Marne are used. Aging in the spacious cellars of the 17th and 19th centuries further contributes to the high quality of champagne.