
Aroma: kompleksan, nježan, obavijajući, velike osobnosti.

Kompleksne i zanimljive note crvenog voća i džema od višanja, popraćeno kakaom, cimetom i notom crnog papra.

Dugotrajan i izuzetno šarmantan.

Complex and engaging with red fruits and cherry jam, accompanied by cocoa, cinnamon and a hint of black pepper.

Long lasting and extremely charming.

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Destilerija / Distillery

Destilerija / Distillery

Suvremena destilerija Roccanivo, smještena u Casalotto di Mombaruzzo, u vlasništvu je obitelji Berta, otvorena za vrijeme berbe grožđa 2002. godine; povijesnom berbom za ovu obitelj, gospodarstvo i gospodarski razvoj vinskog sektora Asti. Drugi važni datumi za tvrtku / obitelj su 1947. (izgradnja prve destilerije u nizza Monferrato), 1930-ih (otvaranje ljekarne Berte u Milanu) i 11. srpnja 1866. (rođenje Francesca Berta u Casalotto di Mombaruzzo). U vrijeme kada se rodio Francesco Berta, u zemlji poznatoj po brojnim vinogradima, svijet je bio posve drukčiji od današnjeg. Rim još nije bio glavni grad Italije i još je vladao Victor Emmanuel II, poznat po svojoj ljubavi prema hrani i vinu i kampanji talijanskog ujedinjenja. Kao i u svim seljačkim obiteljima, Francesco Berta je od djetinjstva radio u vinogradima i podrumima, a u mlađoj dobi imao je jedinstven cilj i put, uvijek u potrazi za mogućnostima prodaje svojeg vina i pronalaženja novih kupaca. U 22. godini svog života, Francesco se oženio za Erminiju Barbero, a njegov sin Giovanni rođen je 1889. te 16 godina kasnije, rođen je njihov drugi sin Michele. Prema seoskim običajima toga vremena nije bilo tradicionalno podijeliti imovinu, bilo je preodređeno da Giovannija nastavi rad svoga oca, a za drugo rođeno dijete Michele da slijedi drugu liniju obiteljskog posla. Obitelj mu je predložila da to bude karijera farmaceuta.

The contemporary Roccanivo distillery, located in Casalotto di Mombaruzzo, is owned by the Berta family, opened during the 2002 grape harvest; a historic harvest for this family, the economy and the economic development of the Asti wine sector. Other important dates for the company / family are 1947 (construction of the first distillery in nizza Monferrato), 1930s (opening of the Berta pharmacy in Milan) and 11 July 1866 (birth of Francesco Berta in Casalotto di Mombaruzzo). By the time Francesco Berta was born, in a country known for its many vineyards, the world was completely different from today. Rome was not yet the capital of Italy and was still ruled by Victor Emmanuel II, known for his love of food and wine and the campaign of Italian unification. As in all peasant families, Francesco Berta worked in vineyards and cellars from childhood, and at a young age he had a unique goal and path, always looking for opportunities to sell his wine and find new customers. At the age of 22, Francesco married Erminia Barbero, and his son Giovanni was born in 1889, and 16 years later, their second son Michele was born. According to the village customs of the time, it was not traditional to divide property, it was predestined for Giovanni to continue his father’s work, and for Michele’s second-born child to follow the second line of the family business. His family suggested that it be a career as a pharmacist.

Opis / Description

Opis / Description

Kao novitet među Berta Grappama 2019.g., Rondena Grappa Amarone Riserva slavi svoju premijeru. Uz bogatstvo aspekata, pridružuje se liniji Berta Riserva. Kao što joj samo ime govori, ova grappa starena u bačvi priča priću o Amaroneu. Vina Amarone potječu iz sjevernotalijanske vinske regije Valpolicella. Obavezne sorte grožđa za vina Amarone della Valpolicella su grožđe Corvina i grožđe Rondinella. S imenom Rondena, venecijanskim izrazom za grožđe Rondinella, Riserva Grappa Rondena Amarone iz Berte odaje čast povijesti . Komina Amarone della Valpolicella pažljivo se destilira diskontinuiranim postupkom kako bi se dobila Berta Grappa nakon čega slijedi sazrijevanje u drvenim bačvama ukupno pet godina. Berta Rondena Grappa Amarone prve dvije godine provodi u bačvama kapaciteta 1.000 litara i nakon toga u barriqueu tri godine. Grappa odležana u bačvi ulijeva se u stakleni dekanter zapremine 43 posto. 

Bertin je miris složen i višeslojan. Slatkoća kakaa dodaje voćnim notama pekmeza od višanja. Cimet i papar dodaju okus, a buket se glatko nastavlja na nepcu. Bogat i mekan, izražava arome Amarone u mnogim slojevima. U vinima Amarone treba uživati ​​na oko 17 Celzijevih stupnjeva dok Berti Rondena Grappa Amarone Riserva ne šteti ako čašu u ruci zagrijete. To omogućuje njegovom karakteru da se još bolje razvije. 

As a Berta Grappa novelty 2019, the Rondena Grappa Amarone Riserva celebrates its premiere. With a wealth of facets, it joins the Berta Riserva line. As its name suggests, the barrel-aged grappa is all about the Amarone. Amarone wines come from the northern Italian wine region Valpolicella. Compulsory grape varieties for Amarone della Valpolicella wines are the Corvina grape and the Rondinella grape. With the name Rondena, a Venetian expression for the Rondinella grapes, the Riserva Grappa Rondena Amarone from Berta refers to its focus. The pomace of Amarone della Valpolicella is carefully distilled to Berta Grappa in a discontinuous process. Then it is allowed to mature in wooden barrels for a total of five years. Berta Rondena Grappa Amarone spends the first two years in barrels with a capacity of 1,000 liters. Then it comes in barriques for three years. The barrel-aged grappa is poured into the glass decanter with a volume of 43 percent.

Its scent is complex and multi-layered. We are happy to bring the glass to the nose more often in order to track down all the facets. The sweetness of cocoa adds to the fruity cherry jam notes. Cinnamon and pepper add flavor. The bouquet continues smoothly on the palate. Rich and soft, it expresses the Amarone aromas in many layers. Amarone wines should be enjoyed at around 17 degrees Celsius. It doesn’t harm the Berta Rondena Grappa Amarone Riserva if you warm the glass in your hand. This allows his character to develop even better.