
Isprva je gotovo neobuzdan i samo bojažljivo isporučuje mirise vinogradske breskve, voćnog grožđa, pire od krušaka, začina i medenjaka. Vino je ljupko razigrano i nježno slatko na nepcu, gdje bademova krema, breskva i kandirana dinja stvaraju gladak i zaobljen osjećaj. Svježa strana potkrijepljena ljutitim grejpom dolazi na kraju.

This 2017er Wehlener Sonnenuhr Auslese is almost non-saying at first and only timidly delivers scents of vineyard peach, grape fruit, pear puree, spices and gingerbread. The wine is delightfully playful and delicately sweet on the palate, where almond cream, peach and candied melon make for a smooth and round feeling. A fresher side underpinned by some zesty grapefruit comes through in the finish.

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Mosel je jedna od 13 vinskih regija Njemačke za kvalitetna vina (Qualitatswein), ime je dobila po rijeci Mosel koja gradi reljef regije. Treća je po količini proizvednog vina u Njemačkoj no mnogi je smatraju najprestižnijom regijom kod internacionalne prodaje i prezentacije Riesling vina.

Regija se proteže od dolina rijeke Mosel, Saar i Ruwer do Koblenz-a te Trier-a i regije Rhineland-Palatinate. Mosel je najpoznatiji po strimim padinama na kojima se uzgaja vinova loza s pogledom na rijeku. S nagibom od 65°vinograd Calmont u selu Bremm je najstrmiji vinograd na svijetu.

Mosel je najviše poznat po svom vinu koje se proizvodi od Rizling grožđa, ali također Elbing i Müller-Thurgau sorte mnogo doprinose proizvodnji vina. U posljednja dva desetljeća proizvodnja vina od grožđa Pinot noir (Spätburgunder) je u porastu te je od velikog internacionalnog interesa. Mosel ima 9 034 hektara zasađenih vinograda, od toga više od 50% je Rizling. Zbog sjeverne pozicije Mosel-a vina proizvedena od Rizlinga su većinom lagana, s manjom koncentracijom alkohola, sviježa i s većim kiselinama te često imaju cvijetne arome prije nego poznate voćne arome Rizlinga.

Većina vinograda ima tlo različitih naslaga škljica koja su bila formirana kroz povijesna razdoblja, zbog čega vina imaju mineralnu notu te često kompleksnost okusa. Tlo je većinom porozan škrljevac što je savršeno zbog velike količine padalina koje protječu kroz njega i zadržavanja topline tla. Klima Mosela je sjeverno kontinentalna s niskim temperaturama, ljeti je prosječna temperatura 18°C. Najbolji vinogradi nalaze se na padinama okrenutima prema rijeci od kojih se reflektira sunce te time dobivaju potrebnu toplinu za sazrijevanje grožđa.

Mosel is one of the 13 wine regions of Germany for quality wines (Qualitatswein), named after the river Mosel which builds the relief of the region. It is the third largest producer of wine in Germany, but many consider it the most prestigious region in the international sale and presentation of Riesling wine.

The region stretches from the valleys of the Mosel, Saar and Ruwer rivers to Koblenz and Trier and the Rhineland-Palatinate region. Mosel is best known for its steep slopes where vines overlook the river. With a slope of 65 °, the Calmont vineyard in the village of Bremm is the steepest vineyard in the world.

Mosel is best known for its wine produced from Riesling grapes, but also the Elbing and Müller-Thurgau varieties contribute a lot to wine production. In the last two decades, the production of Pinot Noir (Spätburgunder) wine has been on the rise and is of great international interest. Mosel has 9,034 hectares of planted vineyards, of which more than 50% is Riesling. Due to the northern position of Mosel, the wines produced from Riesling are mostly light, with a lower concentration of alcohol, fresh and with higher acids, and often have floral aromas before the well-known fruity aromas of Riesling.

Most vineyards have a soil of different layers of shreds that have been formed through historical periods, which is why wines have a mineral note and often the complexity of taste. The soil is mostly porous shale which is perfect due to the large amount of rainfall that flows through it and the retention of soil heat. The climate of Moselle is north continental with low temperatures, in summer the average temperature is 18 ° C. The best vineyards are located on the slopes facing the river from which the sun is reflected and thus get the necessary heat for grape ripening.



Joh. Jos. Prüm je jedan od najpoznatijih njemačkih proizvođača vina. Imanje se nalazi u selu Wehlen na obali Mosela i proizvodi vrhunske rizlinge koji su poznati po svojoj ravnoteži i dugovječnosti. Vina J. J. Prüma su sakupljačka i stalno se nalaze na listi najskupljih vina.

Obitelj Prüm proizvodi vino u Moselu nekoliko stotina godina, ali Joh. Jos Prüm je osnovao Johann Josef Prüm 1911. godine. Imanje je preuzeo njegov brat Sebastian 1920. godine, kada je Joh. Jos Prüm napravio svoje prvo slatko ausleško vino, postalo je jedno od najpoznatijih i cijenjenih njemačkih vina.

Joh. Jos. Prüm ima oko 20 hektara (50 jutara) vinove loze rasprostranjene na nekoliko vinograda Erste Lage. Gotovo polovica njih nalazi se u vinogradu Wehlener Sonnenuhr, što čini niz stilova prema sustavu Prädikatswein, uključujući ausleški, beerenauslese, eiswein i trockenbeerenauslese. Ovo su nesumnjivo najistaknutija vina na imanju, iako su i vina proizvedena u vinogradima Graacher Himmelreich i Bernkasteler Badstube također vrlo tražena.

Joh. Jos. Prüm is easily one of Germany’s most famous wine producers. The estate is based in the village of Wehlen on the banks of the Mosel, and produces top-quality Rieslings that are noted for their balance and longevity. J.J. Prüm’s wines are highly collectable, and are consistently included on most expensive wines list.

The Prüm family has been making wine in the Mosel for several hundred years, but Joh. Jos. Prüm was founded properly in 1911, by Johann Josef Prüm. The estate was taken over by his brother Sebastian in 1920, the year that Joh. Jos. Prüm created its first sweet Auslese wine, and from there went on to become one of Germany’s most well-known and highly respected wines. It has remained in the family since.

Joh. Jos. Prüm has some 20 hectares (50 acres) of vines spread out over several Erste Lage vineyards. Almost half of these are found in the Wehlener Sonnenuhr vineyard, which makes a range of styles under the Prädikatswein system, including Auslese, Beerenauslese, Eiswein and Trockenbeerenauslese. These are undoubtedly the estate’s most prominent wines, although wines made in the Graacher Himmelreich and Bernkasteler Badstube vineyards are also highly sought after.