
Potpuno zlatna boja, sa kaki presijavanjem. Gust, kožasti nos s tragovima suhog voćnog kolača, kolača madeira i konzerviranih krušaka, te notom paljenih novina u pozadini. Nakon nekog vremena nagovještaj peciva, tvrde karamele i slatkog duhana. Kap vode naglašava slastičarsku puterastu notu, i zamjenjuje voćne note voštanom zelenom jabukom. Srednje dugi završetak, dugotrajne topline, sa jačinom flaširanog pića, sladak i papren s daškom soli. Sličan profil s vodom, sa smanjenom razinom, ali bez soli i toplog završetka.


Full gold, with khaki lights.  A dense, leathery nose with traces of dry fruit-cake, madeira cake and tinned pears, and a suspicion of scorched newspaper in the background. After a while a hint of pastry, hard toffee and sweet tobacco. A drop of water increases the pastry note, now buttery, and replaces the fruity notes with waxy green apple.

Sweet and peppery to taste, at bottled strength, with a trace of salt and a warming, medium-length finish. Lingering heat. Similar profile with water, at reduced levels, but without the salt and warm finish.


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Lost Distillery proizvodi viski po starim receptima Škotskih destilerija koje su zatvorene prije i tokom prohibicije u prošlom stoljeću.

Lost Distillery produces whiskey according to old recipes of Scottish distilleries that were closed before and during Prohibition in the last century.

Destilerija / Distillery

Destilerija / Distillery

Destilerija Stratheden – 1829. – 1926.
Ova destilerija nalazila se u središtu starog trgovačkog grada Auchtermuchty u Fifeu. Najraniji zapisi o legalnoj destilaciji ukazuju na to da je osnovana 1829. godine, iako postoje anegdotski dokazi o prethodnoj uporabi ilegalnih kotlova za destilaciju na tom području.
Destilerija je bila neobična po tome što je imala samo jednog vlasnika – tri uzastopne generacije obitelji Bonthrone. Bonthrone je došao s tog područja i prema piscu, Brian Townsendu, bio je “… prava dinastija slada, piva i destilacije”. Preci obitelji bili su pivari u obližnjem Foklandu 1600 -ih. Također su imali lokalne interese u pečenju i mljevenju.
U prošlom stoljeću gotovo je stotinjak destilerija viskija  zatvoreno ili uništeno. To čini gotovo polovicu svih destilerija koje su ikada postojale u Škotskoj. Globalna ekonomska kriza, prevelika proizvodnja, svjetski ratovi i zabrane doprinijeli su gubitku toliko destilerija. Kao rezultat svih ovih čimbenika, mnogi jedinstveni i cijenjeni brendovi izgubljeni su u svijetu.

Stratheden Distillery – 1829 – 1926
This distillery was situated in the centre of the old market town of Auchtermuchty in Fife. The earliest records of legal distillation indicate it was founded in 1829, although there is anecdotal evidence of the prior use of illegal stills in the area.

The distillery was unusual in that it only ever had one owner – three successive generations of the Bonthrone family. The Bonthrone’s hailed from the area and according to whisky writer, Brian Townsend, were a “…true malting, brewing and distilling dynasty.” Ancestors of the family were brewers in nearby Falkland in the 1600’s. They also had local interests in baking and milling.

In the last century, almost one hundred of Scotland’s malt whisky distilleries have been closed or destroyed.
This accounts for nearly half of all distilleries that have ever existed in Scotland. Global economic downturn, over-production, world wars and prohibition have all contributed to the loss of so many distilleries.
As a result of all of these factors, many unique and venerable brands have been lost to the world.