Destilerija / Distillery
Destilerija Auchnagie-1812.-1911.
Destilerija Auchnagie postojala je gotovo 100 godina, započevši s radom kao udaljena destilerija seoske kuće i završivši svoje dane kao, vjerojatno, dragulj u kruni globalnog carstva viskija. Imala je najmanje sedam različitih vlasnika i šutjela je velike dijelove svog života. To nije bilo neobično za male destilerije iz 19. stoljeća, jer je njihovo nesigurno postojanje često bilo na milost i nemilost zbog nedostatka vode, nedostatka novca, promjena zakona o carinama i lokalne potražnje za proizvodom.
Destilerija Auchnagie (ili Tullymet kako je kasnije poznato) nalazila se u blizini zaseoka Tulliemet, otprilike 6 milja jugoistočno od Pitlochryja u Perthshireu. Zemljište u ovom području je ruralno, mješavina pašnjaka i brežuljaka, s obilnom opskrbom vodom koja teče s visoravni. Lokalna poljoprivredna gospodarstva na tom području (iz 17. stoljeća) izgrađena su uz potoke, a mnoga su energiju generirala vodenim kotačem. Destilerija Auchnagie povećala je opskrbu vodom izgradnjom bazena za vodu neposredno iznad destilerije – ostaci toga mogu se vidjeti do danas.
U prošlom stoljeću gotovo je stotinjak destilerija viskija iz slada zatvoreno ili uništeno. To čini gotovo polovicu svih destilerija koje su ikada postojale u Škotskoj. Globalna ekonomska kriza, prevelika proizvodnja, svjetski ratovi i zabrane doprinijeli su gubitku toliko destilerija. Kao rezultat svih ovih čimbenika, mnogi jedinstveni i cijenjeni brendovi izgubljeni su u svijetu.
Auchnagie Distillery – 1812-1911
Auchnagie Distillery existed for almost 100 years, starting work as a remote farmhouse distillery and ending its days as, arguably, the jewel in the crown of a global whisky empire. It had at least seven different owners and was silent for large parts of its life. This was not unusual for small-scale 19th century distilleries, as their precarious existence was often at the mercy of lack of water, lack of money, changes to duty laws and local demand for the product.
Auchnagie Distillery (or Tullymet as it was later known) was located near the hamlet of Tulliemet, approximately 6 miles South East of Pitlochry in Perthshire. The land in this area is rural, a mixture of pasture and rolling hills, with ample supply of water flowing off of the high ground. Local farms in the area (from the 17th century) were built next to the streams, and many generated power by water wheel. Auchnagie Distillery augmented its water supply by constructing a water pool just above the distillery site – the remains of this can be seen to this day.
In the last century, almost one hundred of Scotland’s malt whisky distilleries have been closed or destroyed.
This accounts for nearly half of all distilleries that have ever existed in Scotland. Global economic downturn, over-production, world wars and prohibition have all contributed to the loss of so many distilleries.
As a result of all of these factors, many unique and venerable brands have been lost to the world.