
Intenzivna duboka crvena boja. Nos otkriva arome šljive i crvenog voća. U okusu, vino je okruglo i svježe s izvanrednom ravnotežom između tanina, kiselina i alkohola, s dugim, delikatnim završetkom.


Intense deep red color. The nose reveals aromas of plum and red fruit. On the palate, the wine is round and fresh with remarkable balance between tannins, acidity and alcohol, with a long, delicate finish.

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Mendoza je daleko najveća vinska regija u Argentini . Smještena na visokoj visoravni na rubu Anda, pokrajina je odgovorna za otprilike 70 posto godišnje proizvodnje vina u zemlji. Francuska sorta grožđa Malbec ima svoj dom u Novom svijetu u vinogradima Mendoze, proizvodeći crvena vina velike koncentracije i intenziteta.

Provincija se nalazi na zapadnom rubu Argentine, s druge strane Anda iz Čilea . Iako je pokrajina velika (pokriva slično područje kao i država New York), njezino je vinogradarsko zemljište grupirano uglavnom u sjevernom dijelu, južno od grada Mendoza.

Ovdje su regije Lujan de Cuyo i Maipu (oko same Mendoze) i dolina Uco (na jugu) dom nekih od najvećih imena argentinskog vina.


Mendoza is by far the largest wine region in Argentina. Located on a high-altitude plateau at the edge of the Andes Mountains, the province is responsible for roughly 70 percent of the country’s annual wine production. The French grape variety Malbec has its New World home in the vineyards of Mendoza, producing red wines of great concentration and intensity.

The province lies on the western edge of Argentina, across the Andes Mountains from Chile. While the province is large (it covers a similar area to the state of New York), its viticultural land is clustered mainly in the northern part, just south of Mendoza City.

Here, the regions of Lujan de Cuyo and Maipu (around Mendoza itself) and the Uco Valley (to the south) are home to some of the biggest names in Argentinian wine.



Bodegas CARO je vinarija sa sjedištem u Mendozi , Argentina. To je zajednički pothvat između Domaines Barons de Rothschild (Lafite) i obitelji Caten , a naziv dolazi od prva dva slova obiteljskih imena Catena (CA) i Rothschild (RO). Poduzeće je osnovano 1999. godine i proizvodi mali asortiman vina koja kombiniraju argentinsku ključnu sortu grožđa, Malbec , s Cabernet Sauvignonom iz Bordeauxa .

Vinogradi CARO zauzimaju terroire na velikim nadmorskim visinama u Luján de Cuyo , Maipú i dolini  Uco . One se kreću od 800 m nadmorske visine u Luján de Cuyo do 1600 m u dolini Uco. Ovo se pokazalo posebno pogodnim za Malbec, proizvodeći uravnotežena, intenzivna vina.

Prva berba CARO-a proizvedena je 2000., a ubrzo nakon nje uslijedio je Amancaya cuvée 2003. koji se prvenstveno fokusira na Malbec. Godine 2010. CARO je portfelju dodao sortu Malbec, Aruma. CARO je otvorio svoju vinariju u središnjoj Mendozi 2003. Grožđe se bere ručno i vinificira tradicionalno, a vrijeme maceracije razlikuje se ovisno o grožđu i berbi.

Svaka berba zatim odležava u hrastovim bačvama koje se uglavnom nabavljaju iz Rothschildove bačvare u Bordeauxu. Tijekom ovog procesa odležavanja, vina se čuvaju u obnovljenim vinskim podrumima vinarije, koji datiraju između 1884. i 1895. godine.


Bodegas CARO is a winery based in Mendoza, Argentina. It is a joint venture between Domaines Barons de Rothschild (Lafite) and the Catena family, the title coming from the first two letters of the Catena (CA) and Rothschild (RO) family names. The enterprise was founded in 1999, and makes a small range of wines that combine Argentina’s key grape variety, Malbec, with Bordeaux’s Cabernet Sauvignon.

The CARO vineyards occupy high-altitude terroirs in Luján de Cuyo, Maipú and the Uco Valley. These range from 2600ft (800m) above sea level in Luján de Cuyo up to 5400ft (1600m) in the Uco Valley. This has proved particularly suitable for Malbec, producing balanced, intense wines.

The first vintage of CARO was produced in 2000, shortly followed by the Amancaya cuvée in 2003 which focuses primarily on Malbec. In 2010, CARO added a varietal Malbec, Aruma, to the portfolio.

CARO opened its winery in central Mendoza in 2003. The grapes are harvested manually and vinified traditionally, and maceration times differ depending on the grape and vintage.

Each vintage is then aged in oak barrels that are sourced largely from the Rothschild’s cooperage in Bordeaux. During this aging process, the wines are stored in the winery’s renovated wine cellars, which date back to between 1884 and 1895.