Od 8,49

San poznatog glumca Dan Aykroyda i  njegovog kolege, umjetnika Johna Alexandera  ostvario se kad su napravili jednu od najčistijih  votki na svijetu. Izgled boce, u obliku lubanje, dizajnirao je John Alexandar na osnovu njihove zajedničke fascinacije o legendi 13 kristalnih lubanja, a proizvodi se u talijanskoj tvornici stakla Bruni Glass. Crystal Head votka ne sadrži aditive, nema glicerola, citrusa ulja ili šećera. Ništa se ne dodaje kako bi se poboljšao ili prikrio okus.

The dream of famous actor Dan Aykroyd and his colleague, artist John Alexander came true when they made one of the purest vodkas in the world. The appearance of the bottle, in the shape of a skull, was designed by John Alexandar based on their shared fascination with the legend of 13 crystal skulls, and is produced in the Italian glass factory Bruni Glass. Crystal Head vodka contains no additives, no glycerol, citrus oil or sugar. Nothing is added to enhance or mask the taste.



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Breskva najbolje kvalitete  i  krema od kukuruza destilira se  četiri puta, pomiješana s netaknutom vodom iz Newfoundlanda. Dobivena tekućina se zatim filtrira sedam puta, od čega  su tri kroz slojeve poludragih kamenja poznatih kao Herkimer dijamanti. Bistra i bezbojna, čistih okusa neutralnih žitarica i blagog  dodira citrusa.

The best quality peach and corn cream is distilled four times, mixed with pristine water from Newfoundland. The resulting liquid is then filtered seven times, three of which are through layers of semi-precious stones known as Herkimer diamonds. Clear and colorless, pure flavors of neutral cereals and a slight touch of citrus.