
Tako eterično i sjajno na nosu sa sjajnim svježim cvjetovima, poput ljubičica, zajedno s crnim maslinama i tamnim bobicama. Ali arhetipski nos Pomerol. Punog tijela, a istovremeno tako profinjenog i strukturiranog. Sjajna teninska tenzija i usredotočenost. Živopisan završetak. Pokazuje energiju i fokus. Kušajte nakon 2024.

James Suckling,, veljača 2019

So ethereal and great on the nose with glorious fresh flowers, such as violets, together with black olives. Dark berries, too. But the archetypal Pomerol nose. Full-bodied yet, at the same time, so refined and structured. Glorious tannin tension and focus. Vibrant finish. Shows energy and focus. Try after 2024.

James Suckling,, February 2019

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Pomerol je vrlo cijenjena apelacija crnog vina u regiji Bordeaux u jugozapadnoj Francuskoj. Pomerol nema formaliziran sustav klasifikacije vina (kao i Médoc, Graves, Sauternes i Saint-Émilion), a svoju je sadašnju slavu doživio u relativno kratkom vremenu. Pomerol se nalazi na istoku regije Bordeaux, u blizini Saint-Émiliona, u području poznatom kao Libournais – grad Libourne nalazi se južno od Pomerola. Dok je većina naziva nazvana po selu ili gradu unutar svojih granica, Pomerol nema takav epicentar.

Jug i zapad apelativa imaju pjeskovito tlo u odnosu na nešto teža tla na istoku, koja uključuju određeni udio gline. Upravo u ovom istočnom dijelu, na marginalno višoj zemlji gdje se Pomerol susreće sa Saint-Émilionom, proizvode se najbolja vina. Ovdje se nalaze tri najcjenjenija proizvođača Pomerola – châteaux Pétrus, Lafleur i Le Pin.

Merlot je dominantno grožđe u Pomerolu i ima veliku ulogu u tome da vina budu bogata, glatka i pristupačna već u ranoj dobi, a također su sposobna za produženo odležavanje. Često je prisutan i Cabernet Franc , koji dodaje strukturu i element slanog začina. Ove karakteristike znače da su vina Pomerol vrlo tražena na međunarodnom tržištu.

Pomerol is a highly regarded red wine appeal in the Bordeaux region of southwestern France. Pomerol does not have a formalized wine classification system (like Médoc, Graves, Sauternes and Saint-Émilion), and it experienced its current fame in a relatively short time. Pomerol is located in the east of the Bordeaux region, near Saint-Émilion, in an area known as Libournais – the city of Libourne is located south of Pomerol. While most names are named after a village or town within its borders, Pomerol does not have such an epicenter.

The south and west appellations have sandy soils compared to the slightly heavier soils in the east, which include a certain proportion of clay. It is in this eastern part, on the marginally higher country where Pomerol meets Saint-Émilion, that the best wines are produced. Here are the three most respected producers of Pomerola – châteaux Pétrus, Lafleur and Le Pin.

Merlot is the dominant grape in Pomerol and plays a major role in making wines rich, smooth and affordable at an early age, and also capable of prolonged aging. Cabernet Franc is also often present, which adds structure and an element of salty spice. These characteristics mean that Pomerol wines are in great demand on the international market.

Château l'Évangile je imanje koje se nalazi u općini Pomerol u Bordeauxu, a proizvodi vino s dominantnim Merlotom koje je dosljedno među najcjenjenijima u apelaciji. Zemlju je kupila obitelj Léglise u 18. stoljeću, mijenjajući vlasnike nekoliko puta prije nego što ju je 1990. godine kupio Domaines Baron de Rothschild, vlasnik Château Lafite Rothschild. Château l'Évangile leži u istočnom dijelu Pomerola, malo južnije od čuvenog vinograda Petrus. Ovdje se vinograd od 22 hektara (55 jutara) sastoji od gline i šljunčanog tla bogatog željezom. Ova vrsta tla dobro je prilagođena Merlotu, koji čini većinu nasada, pri čemu je oko petine vinograda posvećeno Cabernet Francu. Vinova loza bere se ručno, a zatim se vinificira, parcela po parcela - prostorije kade i podruma preuređene su 2004. godine kako bi pomogle ovom procesu. Nakon fermentacije, grand vin odležava u hrastu 18 mjeseci prije puštanja na tržište.
Château l'Évangile is an estate located in the Bordeaux commune of Pomerol, producing a Merlot-dominant wine that is consistently among the most highly rated in the appellation. The land was purchased by the Léglise family in the 18th Century, changing hands several times before it was purchased in 1990 by Domaines Baron de Rothschild, owner of Château Lafite Rothschild. Château l'Évangile lies in the eastern part of Pomerol, a little way south of the famed Petrus vineyard. Here, the 22-hectare (55 acre) vineyard is made up of iron-rich clay and gravel soils. This kind of soil is well-suited to Merlot, which makes up the bulk of plantings, with around a fifth of the vineyard dedicated to Cabernet Franc instead. The vines are harvested by hand and then vinified plot by plot – the vat and cellar rooms were updated in 2004 to help this process. After fermentation, the grand vin is aged in oak for 18 months before release.