
Boja je duboka, intenzivno crvena. Nosom dominira vrhunska cvjetna i voćna nota, dočaravajući maline i ljubičice. Nakon prozračivanja, voće se intenzivnije izražava aromama crnih trešanja, kupina i crnog ribiza. Uvijek prisutni cvjetovi razvijaju se oko ruže i jorgovana. Balzamične i začinske note upotpunjuju ionako složen nos mirisima kakaovca i crnog papra. Ovaj nos zadivljuje svojom svježinom, složenošću, sjajem i preciznošću. Napad na nepce je raskošan: opsežan i pun. Taninsko bogatstvo ovog vina zadivljuje svojom snagom, ali i glatkoćom. Okvir je kontinuiran, dubok, dug, čvrst, savršeno omotač i profinjen. Vrlo rasna struktura nastavlja se na beskonačnoj, hrskavoj završnici koja zadržava svježinu. Aromatični povratak je cvjetni i voćni, s pikantnom notom.
The color is deep, of an intense red. The nose is dominated by a superb floral and fruity note, evoking raspberries and violets. After aeration, the fruit expresses itself more intensely with aromas of black cherries, blackberries and blackcurrant. The ever-present flowers develop around the rose and lilac. Balsamic and spicy notes complete the already complex nose with aromas of cocoa beans and black pepper. This nose impresses with its freshness, complexity, radiance and precision. The attack on the palate is sumptuous: voluminous and full. The tannic richness of this wine impresses with its power, and also with its smoothness. The frame is continuous, deep, long, firm, perfectly enveloping and refined. The very racy structure continues on an interminable, crunchy finish which retains its freshness. The aromatic return is floral and fruity, with a spicy note.

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Bordeaux je vinska regija smještena u jugozapadnoj Francuskoj te je domovina najpoznatijih svjetskih vinara. Ima stoljetnu tradiciju, a u vinima Bordeaux-a uživali su i stari Rimljani. Oko grada Bordeaux-a se nalazi 14 000 proizvođača vina te 117 514 hektara vinograda.

Regija je u blizini rijeke Gironde te Atlantskog oceana zbog čega ima morsku klimu. Ocean i rijeka donose blagu zimu i topla ljeta te duge sunčane jeseni. Regija je zaštićena od oceanskih snažnih vjetrova sa gustom borovom šumom koja se proteže paralelno uz regiju. Zbog rijeke i oceana regija ima vapnenačko tlo sa glinom i pijeskom što je izuzetno pogodno tlo za uzgoj vinove loze.

Bordeaux je najpoznatiji po crvenim vinima te plemenitim slatkim vinima, no ne zaostaju ni visokokvalitetna bijela vina. Bordeaux crvena vina imaju jedinstveni izražaj regije koji je prepoznatljiv u cijelom svijetu. Najčešće crne sorte koja se uzgajaju su Cabernet sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet franc, Petit Verdot, Malbec. Najčešće bijele sorte su Sauvignon blanc, Semilion i Muscadelle. Klasifikacija bordoških vina počela je 1855. godine. Bordoški vinogradi podjeljeni su na pet regija; Entre-Deux-Mers, Libournais, Bourgeais-Blayais, Gravec i Medoc.

Bordeaux is a wine region located in southwestern France and is home to the world’s most famous winemakers. It has a century-old tradition, and the wines of Bordeaux were enjoyed by the ancient Romans. There are 14,000 wine producers and 117,514 hectares of vineyards around the city of Bordeaux.

The region is close to the Gironde River and the Atlantic Ocean, which is why it has a maritime climate. The ocean and river bring mild winters and warm summers and long sunny autumns. The region is protected from strong ocean winds with a dense pine forest that runs parallel to the region. Due to the river and ocean, the region has calcareous soil with clay and sand, which is an extremely suitable soil for growing vines.

Bordeaux is best known for its red wines and noble sweet wines, but high-quality white wines are not far behind. Bordeaux red wines have a unique expression of the region that is recognizable all over the world. The most common black varieties that are grown are Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Cabernet Franc, Petit Verdot, Malbec. The most common white varieties are Sauvignon blanc, Semilion and Muscadelle. The classification of Bordeaux wines began in 1855. The Bordeaux vineyards are divided into five regions; Entre-Deux-Mers, Libournais, Bourgeais-Blayais, Gravec and Medoc.

Château Cheval Blanc imanje je u regiji Saint-Émilion u Bordeauxu, svrstana u top ljestvicu Premier Grand Cru Classé A. Mnogi ga smatraju najvećim vinom, a zasigurno je i najpoznatiji na bazi Cabernet franaka vina u svijetu. Obično je grand vin bujan i punog tijela s velikom težinom voća. Obično zahtijeva 10 godina starosti boce, a najbolje berbe mogu trajati pola stoljeća ili više. Drugo vino je Le Petit Cheval. Vinograd se nalazi na sjeverozapadu regije, graniči s Pomerolom - La Conseillante je susjed - i sastoji se od 39 hektara (96 jutara) podijeljenih na 45 parcela. Sadi se neobično velika količina Cabernet Franca, oko 49 posto, s 47 posto merlota i 4 posto cabernet sauvignona. Neobični omjeri sadnje odražavaju terroir; većina vinograda u regiji je ili glinena ili na šljunkovitoj ploči, preko nepropusne sedimentne stijene, ali Cheval Blanc jedinstven je po tome što ima raznovrsna tla s dvije vrste u približno jednakim omjerima. Glinena tla pružaju osnovna vina s baršunastim taninima, dok su ona sa šljunčanog tla aromatičnija i elegantnija. Loza se na ovom mjestu uzgaja od 14. stoljeća. Vinograd kakav je danas poznat oblikovao se u 19. stoljeću kada su jezgrene parcele dodane kupnjom iz vinograda Figeac, a ponovnim nasadom uspostavljene su netipične proporcije napola Merlot, napola Cabernet Franc. Cheval Blanc osvojio je svoju prvu medalju na Univerzalnoj izložbi 1862. u Londonu, prvi u nizu uspjeha koji su izgradili njegovu reputaciju i postigli razinu cijena usporedivu s prvim berbama Medoca, što je utrlo put izgradnji dvorca na imanju. U prvoj klasifikaciji vina Saint-Émilion 1955. Cheval Blanc je dobio najveću moguću ocjenu i ostaje Premier Grand Cru Classé A. 1998., nakon 166 godina neprekidnog obiteljskog vlasništva, Bernard Arnault i barun Albert Frère zajedno su kupili imanje . Spektakularni novi podrum otvoren je 2011. s 52 betonske kade (zamjenjujući nehrđajući čelik) različitih veličina koje odgovaraju različitim vinogradarskim parcelama. Grand vin provodi 16 do 18 mjeseci u novim hrastovim bačvama iz raznih zadruga.
  Château Cheval Blanc is a property in the Saint-Émilion region of Bordeaux, classified with the top ranking of Premier Grand Cru Classé A. It is regarded by many as the greatest wine of the appellation, and is certainly the most famous Cabernet Franc-based wine in the world. Typically the grand vin is lush and full bodied with great weight of fruit. It tends to require 10 years of bottle age and the best vintages can last half a century or more. The second wine is Le Petit Cheval. The vineyard is located in the northwest of the region, bordering Pomerol – La Conseillante is a neighbor – and consists of 39 hectares (96 acres) divided into 45 plots. There is an unusually large amount of Cabernet Franc planted, about 49 percent, with 47 percent Merlot and 4 percent Cabernet Sauvignon. The unusual planting proportions reflect the terroir; most vineyards in the region are either clay or gravel-based over impermeable sedimentary rock, but Cheval Blanc is unique in having a patchwork of soils with the two types in roughly equal proportions. The clay soils provide base wines with velvety tannins, while those from gravel soils are more aromatic and elegant. Vines have been grown since the 14th Century at this spot. The vineyard as known today took shape in the 19th Century when the core plots were added to by purchases from the Figeac vineyard, and replantings established the atypical half-Merlot, half-Cabernet Franc proportions. Cheval Blanc gained its first medal at the 1862 Universal Exhibition in London, the first of a series of successes building its reputation and achieving price levels comparable to the Medoc first growths, which paved the way for a château to be built on the estate. In the first classification of Saint-Émilion wines in 1955, Cheval Blanc was awarded the highest possible rating and remains a Premier Grand Cru Classé A. In 1998, after 166 years of continuous family ownership, Bernard Arnault and Baron Albert Frère jointly purchased the estate. The spectacular new cellar opened in 2011, with 52 concrete vats (replacing stainless steel) of differing sizes corresponding to different vineyard plots. The grand vin spends 16 to 18 months in new oak barrels from a variety of cooperages.