MACAN, 2016

Od 149,00

Macán je vodeće vino ovo vinarije. Odlikuje ga finoća, suptilnost i elegancija. Napravljen je od pažljivog odabira grožđa s najboljih parcela. U francuskim hrastovim bačvama fermentira 10-15 dana, poslije toga odležava u novim bačvama između 16 i 18 mjeseci, a na kraju  ostaje u boci najmanje dvije godine prije odlaska na tržište.

Macán is the leading wine of this winery. It is characterized by finesse, subtlety and elegance. It is made from a careful selection of grapes from the best plots. It ferments in French oak barrels for 10-15 days, after which it is aged in new barrels for between 16 and 18 months, and finally remains in the bottle for at least two years before going to market.


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Vino koje traži harmoniju okrećući se svojim korijenima. Priroda njegovog  podrijetla daje mu posebnu eleganciju, dugotrajnu oznaku, umotavajući je u nezaboravan balans osjetljivosti i izražajnosti. Proizvedeno u cijelosti sa sortom Tempranillo. Macan je vino koje  svoju veliku eleganciju umotava  u svilenkastost baršunastih tanina. Tamno ljubičasta jezgra s ljubičastim crvenim rubom, ovo je vino mineralnije od Macan Classica. Ističu se vrlo jake note vanilije s maslacem, kupinom, medom, višnjom i pirjanim borovnicama. Uravnotežen je s malo više kiselog i mineralnog izgleda

A wine that seeks harmony by turning to its roots. The nature of its origin gives it a special elegance, a long-lasting mark, wrapping it in an unforgettable balance of sensitivity and expressiveness. Produced entirely with the Tempranillo variety. Macan is a wine that wraps its great elegance in the silkiness of velvety tannins. Dark purple core with a purple red edge, this wine is more mineral than Macan Classic. Very strong notes of vanilla with butter, blackberry, honey, cherry and stewed blueberries stand out. It is balanced with a slightly more acidic and mineral look



Tlo, klima i vinova loza. Svaki od ova tri faktora igra ključnu ulogu u osobnosti i prestižu vina Rioja. Trenutno Bodegas Benjamin de Rothschild i Vega Sicilia posjeduju 92 hektara vinograda. Sve se nalaze na obroncima Sierra Cantabria, sjeverno od rijeke Ebro, raspoređenih između općina San Vicente de la Sonsierra, Labastida, Ábalos i Elvillar. To su parcele male veličine, na visokim terasama na siromašnim tlima od gline-vapnenca. Dominantna sorta je grožđe Tempranillo, jedina koja se koristi za proizvodnju Macana i Macána Clásica. Klima je blaga, atlantskog karaktera i utjecaja mediteranske i kontinentalne struje.

Soil, climate and vines. Each of these three factors plays a key role in the personality and prestige of Rioja wines. Currently, Bodegas Benjamin de Rothschild and Vega Sicilia own 92 acres of vineyards. All are located on the slopes of the Sierra Cantabria, north of the River Ebro, located between the municipalities of San Vicente de la Sonsierra, Labastida, Ábalos and Elvillar. These are plots of small size, on high terraces on poor clay-limestone soils. The dominant variety is the Tempranillo grape, the only one used to produce Macan and Macán Clásico. The climate is mild, Atlantic in character and influenced by Mediterranean and continental currents.



Vinarija Bodegas Benjamin de Rothschild & Vega Sicilia nastala  je 2004. godine kao rezultat udruživanja Tempos Vega Sicilia i Compagnie Vinicole Barón Edmond de Rothschild. Obje tvrtke dijele ideju proizvodnje velikih vina u La Rioji, jedinstvenom i neponovljivom vinskom području. Nakon razdoblja od pet godina proučavanja terroira i  vinograda, projekt starta  2009.godine sa prvom berbom vina: Macán i Macán Clásico. Puštanjem prvih boca na tržište bilo je 2013. godine.  Objekti Bodegas Benjamin de Rothschild & Vega Sicilia nalaze se u gradu Samaniego, na visokoj padini u podnožju impozantne Sierra de Cantabria. Izgradnja je započela 2015. godine,a u pogonu  je od 2016. godine i otvorena je u lipnju 2017. godine.Njezin  dizajn pripada španjolskom arhitektu Enriqueu Johanssonu. Vinarija se sastoji od izgrađene površine od 10.000 m2 plus još 40.000 metara vrtova i uslužnih područja. Podijeljena je u 3 međusobno povezane jedinice: Agua jedinica, gdje su fokusirani ulaz i prerada grožđa, s 45 spremnika od 10.000 litara u hrastu i nehrđajućem čeliku; jedinica Tierra, u kojoj se nalazi prostor za starenje u bačvi i boci; i Sol jedinica, gdje se nalaze uredi i prostor za isporuku proizvoda. Vinarija je izgrađena iskorištavajući prirodni nagib padine. Opremljena  je modernom vinarskom opremom i ima sustav energetske učinkovitosti temeljen na solarnim panelima i biomasi. Objekt ima kapacitet za proizvodnju 350.000 boca godišnje.

Bodegas Benjamin de Rothschild & Vega Sicilia was created in 2004 as a result of the merger of Tempos Vega Sicilia and Compagnie Vinicole Barón Edmond de Rothschild. Both companies share the idea of ​​producing great wines in La Rioja, a unique and unrepeatable wine area. After a period of five years of studying terroirs and vineyards, the project starts in 2009 with the first wine harvest: Macán and Macán Clásico. The first bottles were launched in 2013. Bodegas Benjamin de Rothschild & Vega Sicilia is located in Samaniego, on a high slope at the foot of the imposing Sierra de Cantabria. Construction began in 2015 and has been in operation since 2016 and opened in June 2017. Its design belongs to Spanish architect Enrique Johansson. The winery consists of a built-up area of ​​10,000 m2 plus another 40,000 meters of gardens and service areas. It is divided into 3 interconnected units: Agua unit, where the input and processing of grapes are focused, with 45 containers of 10,000 liters in oak and stainless steel; the Tierra unit, which houses the aging space in the barrel and bottle; and the Sol unit, where offices and product delivery space are located. The winery was built using the natural slope of the slope. It is equipped with modern wine equipment and has an energy efficiency system based on solar panels and biomass. The facility has a capacity to produce 350,000 bottles per year.