
Ovo izdanje ograničeno je na samo jednu vrlo posebnu bačvu viskija, pažljivo odležanu u našim skladištima u Škotskoj prije nego što je odabrana kada dosegne savršenu starost. Svaka je punjena u boce onako kako je destilator zamislio – bez hlađenja ili bojenja i predstavljena s 46% ABV. Slatkoća koja se provlači kroz jabuke i kruške. Bijela čokolada, vanilija i malo đumbira. Voda otkriva dinju i dašak grejpa. Slainte. ‘Ainneamh’ na škotsko-galskom znači ‘rijedak’, predstavljen našom ikonom, nedostižnim bijelim jelenom.


This release is limited to just one very special cask of whisky, carefully aged in our warehouses in Scotland before being selected when it has reached the perfect age. Each is bottled the way the distiller intended – without chill filtration or colouring and presented at 46% ABV. Sweetness that lingers throughout with apples and pears. White chocolate, vanilla and a little ginger. Water reveals melon and a touch of grapefruit. Slainte. ‘Ainneamh’ is Scots Gaelic meaning ‘Rare’, represented by our icon, the elusive white stag.

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Speyside je “zaštićeno područje” za destilaciju škotskog viskija prema zakonu vlade Velike Britanije. Ova regija uključuje područje između gorja na zapadu, Aberdeenshirea na istoku i prostire se na sjever do nacionalnog parka Cairngorms.

Speyside single malts su single malt škotski viskiji, destilirani u Strathspeyu, području oko rijeke Spey u Morayu i Badenochu i Strathspeyu, na sjeveroistoku Škotske.

Ova suha, topla regija prirodna je za destilatore viskija jer je u blizini farmi ječma, sadrži rijeku Spey i blizu je atlantske luke Garmouth. Kaže se da voda na tom području ima “najnižu razinu otopljenih minerala” od bilo kojeg područja u Škotskoj, a to može utjecati na okus njegovih viskija. Što objašnjava objašnjava “kvarcit” koji na izvoru zadržava visoku razinu minerala u miješanju s vodom.

Dva najprodavanija single malt viskija na svijetu, The Glenlivet i Glenfiddich, dolaze iz Speysidea. Strathspey ima najveći broj destilerija u bilo kojem od područja proizvodnje viskija u Škotskoj. Samo Dufftown ima šest radnih destilerija s godišnjim kapacitetom od 40,4 milijuna litara žestice.

Općenito je mišljenje da viskiji u regiji imaju voćnu prirodu u rasponu od zrelih krušaka do sultana, a neki pokazuju i slatke, karamele i voćne note. Također navodi se da uporaba treseta ovdje nije česta, pa mnogi viskiji nisu zadimljeni; čime možemo zaključiti da je tipično da je većina Speyside viskija voćno, slatko i orašasto, s notama jabuke, meda, vanilije i začina.

Speyside is a “protected region” for Scotch Whisky distilling under UK Government legislation. This region includes the area between the Highlands to the west, Aberdeenshire in the east and extending north to the Cairngorms National Park.

Speyside single malts are single malt Scotch whiskiesdistilled in Strathspey, the area around the River Spey in Moray and Badenoch and Strathspey, in northeastern Scotland.

This dry, warm, region is a natural for whisky distillers because it is close to barley farms, contains the River Spey and is close to the Atlantic port of Garmouth. The water in the area is said to have “the lowest level of dissolved minerals” of any area in Scotland, and that may affect the taste of its whiskies. What he explains is explained by “quartzite” which at the source retains a high level of minerals when mixed with water.

The two best-selling single malt whiskies in the world, The Glenlivet and Glenfiddich, come from Speyside. Strathspey has the greatest number of distilleries of any of the whisky producing areas of Scotland. Dufftown alone has six working distilleries with an annual capacity of 40.4 million litres of spirit.



Destilerija GlenAllachie bila je četvrta destilerija koju je dizajnirao William-Delme Evans, a sagradio Mackinlay McPherson (destilacijski spoj Škotske i Newcastlea). U veljači 1968. destilerija je započela svoj prvi proizvodni pogon s kapacitetom proizvodnje gotovo tri milijuna litara alkohola. Mackinlay McPherson postao je dio Invergordona, a Campbell Distillers (kasnije dio Pernoda Ricarda) kupio je destileriju GlenAllachie i proizvodnja je ponovno započela 24. travnja – to je bio početak 29 godina neprekidne proizvodnje.

Chivas Brothers lansirali su viski Glenallachie s jednim sladom kao dio serije Cask Edition. Bio je to 15 godina star viski iz bačvi sherryja destiliranog 1989. godine kada je destileriju kupio i ponovo otvorio Pernod Ricard. Billy Walker, Trisha Savage i Graham Stevenson okupili su se kako bi stekli destileriju GlenAllachie i osnovali tvrtku GlenAllachie Distillers Company Limited, donoseći sa sobom preko 100 godina industrijskog znanja i stručnosti.

U Edinburghu su 5. rujna 2019. održane The Scotch Whiskey Awards na kojima je GlenAllachie destilerija osvojila ukupno šest nagrada, uključujući pet medalja u natjecanju slijepog kušanja. Vrhunac večeri je bilo proglašenje GlenAllachiea za najbolju Škotsku destileriju viskija 2019. godine. Nagradom je prepoznata GlenAllachie uspješna prva godina poslovanja i neizmjeran trud cijelog tima u GlenAllachie, čime su izuzetno ponosni.

The GlenAllachie Distillery was the fourth distillery designed by William-Delme Evans and built by Mackinlay McPherson (a distillation blend of Scotland and Newcastle). In February 1968, the distillery began its first production facility with a production capacity of nearly three million liters of alcohol. Mackinlay McPherson became part of Invergordon, and Campbell Distillers (later part of Pernod Ricardo) bought the GlenAllachie distillery and production resumed on April 24 – that was the start of 29 years of continuous production.

Chivas Brothers launched a Glenallachie single malt whisky as part of the Cask Edition Series. It was a 15 year old whisky from sherry casks distilled in 1989 when the distillery was bought and reopened by Pernod Ricard. Billy Walker, Trisha Savage and Graham Stevenson came together to acquire the GlenAllachie Distillery and form The GlenAllachie Distillers Company Limited, bringing with them over 100 years of industry knowledge and expertise.

The Scotch Whiskey Awards were held in Edinburgh on September 5, 2019, at which the GlenAllachie Distillery won a total of six awards, including five medals in a blind tasting competition. The highlight of the evening was the proclamation of GlenAllachie as the best Scottish whiskey distillery in 2019. The award recognizes GlenAllachie’s successful first year of business and the immense effort of the entire team at GlenAllachie, which makes them extremely proud.