
Old Tom Gin je vrsta gina koji se proizvodio  u 19 stoljeću, a dodavao mu se šećer kako bi prikrio robusnu i kompleksnu aromu zbog jednostavnog procesa proizvodnje.

Nakon uvođenja masovne industrijske proizvodnje gina nakon 1850.g. popularnost mu pada i zamjenjuje ga novi, London Dry stil.

Old Tom je slađi, “masniji” i znatno punijeg tijela i okusa od London Dry ginova pa ipak, sušiji od jenevera. Ime je dobio po drvenim reklamama izrezanima u obliku crne mačke (Old Tom Cat) kojima su se reklamirale tadašnje krčme u kojima se točio gin.

Zuidam Courage je Nizozemski gin, napravljen sa začinima od smreke, slatke naranče, svježe cijelog limuna, korijandera, angelika, slatkog korijena, cijele vanilije, bazge i Iris korijena. Nakon destilacije i maceriranja začina stavlja se na dozrijevanje u američkim hrastovim bačvama na kratko vrijeme prije punjenja.


Old Tom Gin is a type of gin that was produced in the 19th century, and sugar was added to it to mask the robust and complex aroma due to the simple production process.
After the introduction of mass industrial production of gin after 1850. its popularity is declining and it is being replaced by a new, London Dry style.
Old Tom is sweeter, “fatter” and has a much fuller body and taste than London Dry gin and yet drier than jenever. It was named after the wooden advertisements carved in the shape of a black cat (Old Tom Cat) which advertised the then pubs where gin was poured.
Zuidam Courage is a Dutch gin, made with spices made from spruce, sweet orange, fresh whole lemon, coriander, angelica, licorice root, whole vanilla, elderberry and iris root. After distillation and maceration, the spices are placed to mature in American oak barrels for a short time before filling.


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Destilerija / Distillery

Destilerija / Distillery

Zuidam destilerije pokrenuo je davne 1975. Fred van Zuidam. Ideja je bila pokrenuti malu destileriju koja je proizvodila samo vrlo ekskluzivne proizvode. Sagradio je malu destileriju od 300 četvornih metara s 1 malim bakrenim kotlom i 1 malom proizvodnom linijom.
Nakon dugog i mukotrpnog početka, Fredu van Zuidamu je trebalo više od 10 godina da stvori reputaciju najbolje destilerije u Nizozemskoj. No, tek nakon što je njegova supruga Helene van Zuidam počela stvarati ambalažu za proizvode destilerije, posao je zaista krenuo. 1989. Zuidam je proširio svoje skladište sa 600 četvornih metara i jednom proizvodnom linijom.
Ovih dana oba sina Patrick i Gilbert vode destileriju pod budnim očima svojih roditelja. Patrick se brine za destileriju i proizvodnju, a Gilbert brine za kupce. Vode vrhunsku destileriju površine 3600 četvornih metara s 4 potpuno nove bakrene posude, preko 1000 hrastovih bačvi, 4 proizvodne linije i modernim skladištem spremnika.
Svih ovih godina cilj destilerije se nikada nije promijenio. Ugodite kupcima i pokušajte proizvesti najbolje moguće proizvode.

Zuidam Distillers was started back in 1975 by Fred van Zuidam. The idea was to start a small distillery that only produced very exclusive products. He build a small distillery of 300 square meters with 1 small copper still and 1 small production line.

After a long and struggling beginning it took Fred van Zuidam over 10 years to create the reputation of being the finest distillery in the Netherlands. But it was only after his wife Helene van Zuidam started creating the packaging for the products of the distillery that business really took off. In 1989 Zuidam expanded their warehouse with 600 square meters and one production line.

These days both sons Patrick and Gilbert run the distillery under the watchful eyes of their parents. With Patrick caring for the distillery and production and Gilbert looking after the customers. They run a state of the art distillery of 3600 square meters with 4 brand new copper stills, over 1000 oak barrels, 4 production lines and a modern tank storage.

In all these years the aim of the distillery has never changed. Please the customers and try to produce the best products possible.