
Unico Reserva Especial autentično odražava kult povijesti španjolskog vina, savršeno stapajući kvalitete različitih Unico berbi. Zapravo, samo se najbolje Unico berbe koriste za proizvodnju ovog kultnog i iznimno složenog vina, koje je spoj godina, vrlina, iskustava i osjećaja koji sažimaju najdublju bit jedinstvenog i neponovljivog stila, stil Vega Sicilia.

Unico Reserva Especial 2021 spoj je berbe 2009., 2010. i 2011. godine.


Unico Reserva Especial authentically reflects the cult of the history of Spanish wine, perfectly fusing the qualities of different Unico vintages. In fact, only the best Unico vintages are used to produce this iconic and extraordinarily complex wine, which is a combination of years, virtues, experiences and sentiments that encapsulate the deepest essence of a unique and unrepeatable style, the Vega Sicilia style.

Unico Reserva Especial 2021 is a blend of vintages 2009, 2010 and 2011.

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Unico Reserva Especial je vino s velikom osobnošću, pruža nam osebujan raspon aroma, čiste elegancije u beskrajnom toku kroz čaroliju mita. Duboka, ali sočna, crvena i plava voćka, ljubičica i lavanda, uz okus gorke čokolade i crne šljive daju primamljiv okus svakom nepcu. Savršeno integrirani tanini i fina gipka kiselina naglašavaju njenu fino slanu, mineralnu završnu obradu.

Unico Reserva Especial is a wine with a great personality, it gives us a distinctive range of aromas, pure elegance in an endless flow through the magic of myth. Deep but juicy, red and blue fruit, violet and lavender, along with the taste of bitter chocolate and black plum give a tempting taste to every palate. Perfectly integrated tannins and fine flexible acid accentuate its finely salty, mineral finish.



Ribera del Duero je važno vinorodno područje u Castilla y Leonu na sjeveru Španjolske. Njegov ugled je poznat u velikoj mjeri zahvaljujući visokoj kvaliteti crnih vina Tempranillo, čiji su najbolji primjeri poznati u cijelom svijetu. Glavni grad Ribera del Duero je povijesni grad Aranda de Duero, koji se može pohvaliti nizom antičkih podzemnih podruma (bodegas) izgrađenih za čuvanje vina. Međupovezani podrumi na mjestima dosežu dubinu od 12 metara. Unatoč dugoj povijesti proizvodnje vina, Ribera del Duero nije dobila status DO-a sve do 1982. Zatim je uspostavljen odgovarajući Consejo Regulador (tijelo za regulaciju vina) koje će ga administrirati.
Ribera del Duero se nalazi na povišenom sjevernom platou Iberijskog poluotoka na 800 metara nadmorske visine. Podijeljena je rijekom Duero (kako bi sugeriralo njezino ime – Ribera del Duero znači ‘obala Duero’), koja lokalnim vinogradima osigurava prijeko potrebnu opskrbu vodom.
Unutarnje područje regije, zajedno sa zaštitnim djelovanjem obližnjih planinskih lanaca Sierra de la Demanda i Sierra de Guadarrama, stvara ekstremnu klimu u kojoj su vruća i suha ljeta popraćena oštrim zimama. Temperature se mogu kretati u rasponu od –0,4 do 104 ° (–18 ° C do 40 ° C) i zimi, pa čak i proljetni mrazevi ovdje predstavljaju stvarnu prijetnju. U vegetacijskom razdoblju visoke dnevne temperature kombiniraju se s znatno hladnijim noćima – stanje koje pomaže u optimalnom nakupljanju aroma i drugih kemijskih spojeva (fenola) u grožđu.
Naizmjenični slojevi vapnenca, lapora i krede pod muljem i glinovitim slojem tla dodaju složenost i karakter vina vinima Ribera del Duero.
Danas je Ribera del Duero gotovo u cijelosti posvećena crnom vinu, a Tempranillo je najzastupljenija sorta grožđa. Lokalno je poznat kao Tinto Fino ili Tinta del Pais i proizvodi vina duboko obojena, čvrste strukture tanina i složenih aroma duda i kupine. Većina vrhunskih primjera godinama je graciozno. Prema pravilima DO-a, Tempranillo mora činiti najmanje 75% svih vinos tintosa (crnih vina). Ravnotežu čine Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot i Malbec (sorte koje je Vega Sicilia uvela prije više od jednog stoljeća) ili do 5% Albilla ili Garnacha.

Ribera del Duero is an important wine-growing area in Castilla y Leon in northern Spain. Its reputation is known in large part thanks to the high quality of Tempranillo red wines, the best examples of which are known all over the world. The capital of Ribera del Duero is the historic city of Aranda de Duero, which boasts a series of ancient underground cellars (bodegas) built to store wine. Interconnected basements in places reach a depth of 12 meters. Despite a long history of wine production, the Ribera del Duero did not receive DO status until 1982. An appropriate Consejo Regulador (wine regulation body) was then established to administer it. Ribera del Duero is located on the elevated northern plateau of the Iberian Peninsula at 800 meters above sea level. It is divided by the river Duero (as its name suggests – Ribera del Duero means ‘coast of Duero’), which provides local vineyards with much-needed water supply. The interior of the region, together with the protective action of the nearby Sierra de la Demanda and Sierra de Guadarrama mountain ranges, creates an extreme climate in which hot and dry summers are accompanied by harsh winters. Temperatures can range from -0.4 to 104 ° (-18 ° C to 40 ° C) in winter, and even spring frosts are a real threat here. During the growing season, high daytime temperatures are combined with much colder nights – a condition that helps to optimally accumulate aromas and other chemical compounds (phenols) in grapes. Alternating layers of limestone, marl and chalk under the mud and clay layer of the soil add complexity and character to the wines of Ribera del Duero wines. Today, Ribera del Duero is almost entirely dedicated to red wine, and Tempranillo is the most represented grape variety. It is locally known as Tinto Fino or Tinta del Pais and produces wines of deep color, solid tannin structure and complex aromas of mulberry and blackberry. Most of the top examples over the years have been graceful. According to DO rules, Tempranillo must make up at least 75% of all vinos tintos (red wines). The balance is made up of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Malbec (varieties introduced by Vega Sicilia more than a century ago) or up to 5% Albilla or Garnacha.



Vinarija Vega Sicilia je od svog osnivanja do danas imala pet vlasnika. Godine 1864. Don Eloy de Lecanda namjeravao je na svom imanju u Pago de la Vega Santa Cecilia y Carrascal oponašati Bordeaux, ali je ubrzo otkrio da se izvorna grožđa Ribera del Duero – Tinto Fino, ili Tempranillo – uspjevaju do savršenstva u svom okruženju. Mješavina tog škriljca baznog tla prekrivenog kredom podzemlja, spojena sa nadmorskom visinu regije (600-700 m nadmorske visine) daje hladne noći nakon vrućih dana i duge sezone dozrijevanja. Godine 1900. obitelj Herrero preuzela je vinariju na narednih pola stoljeća, a potom Prodes SA, od 1950-64. Vlasništvo Hansa Newmanna od 1964-1982. obilježilo je nevjerojatan period za Vega Siciliju i blještavo polje vinske scene. Sadašnji vlasnici, obitelj Alvarez, slučajno su kupili posjed 1982. godine, kada je Ribera del Duero dobila prestižni oznaku podrijetla (Denominacin de Origen). Bodegas Vega Sicilia sada posjeduje oko 1.000 hektara zemljišta, od kojih je 250 hektara pod vinovom lozom. Vega Sicilia Unico i Valbuena 5 Ao (nazvana zato što je stavljena na prodaju pet godina nakon žetve) izrađena su od odabranog grožđa vrhunske kvalitete, od vinove loze starije od 10 godina. Prosječna starost vinove loze Valbuena je oko 25 godina, a Unico 45 godina.

The Vega Sicilia winery has had five owners since its founding. In 1864, Don Eloy de Lecanda intended to imitate Bordeaux on his estate in Pago de la Vega Santa Cecilia y Carrascal, but soon discovered that the original grapes of Ribera del Duero – Tinto Fino, or Tempranillo – thrive to perfection in their surroundings. A mixture of this shale of base soil covered with subterranean chalk, combined with the altitude of the region (600-700 m above sea level) gives cold nights after hot days and a long ripening season. In 1900, the Herrero family took over the winery for the next half century, and then Prodes SA, from 1950-64. Owned by Hans Newmann from 1964-1982. marked an incredible period for Vega Sicily and the dazzling field of the wine scene. The current owners, the Alvarez family, accidentally bought the property in 1982, when Ribera del Duero was awarded the prestigious designation of origin (Denominacin de Origen). Bodegas Vega Sicilia now owns about 1,000 hectares of land, of which 250 hectares are under vines. Vega Sicilia Unico and Valbuena 5 Ao (named because it was put up for sale five years after harvest) are made from selected top quality grapes, from vines older than 10 years. The average age of the Valbuena vine is about 25 years, and Unico 45 years.