Od 170,00€
Boja: Ima blago zamućenu boju zbog činjenice da se džin ne filtrira prije punjenja u boce.
Aroma: Na nosu se ističu arome borovice i zrna Tonka, koje su slatkaste, slične vaniliji, popraćene citrusima i začinskim notama.
Color: It has a slightly cloudy color due to the fact that the gin is not filtered before bottling.
Aroma: On the nose the aromas of juniper and Tonka bean stand out, which is sweetish, similar to vanilla, accompanied by citrus and spicy notes.
Taste: In the mouth it is initially slightly bitter, with a strong but soft and still fresh flavor. Once again the notes of juniper dominate, accompanied by those of the Tonka bean that give the classic taste of gin a hint of vanilla.
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