Od 170,00

Boja: Ima blago zamućenu boju zbog činjenice da se džin ne filtrira prije punjenja u boce.

Aroma: Na nosu se ističu arome borovice i zrna Tonka, koje su slatkaste, slične vaniliji, popraćene citrusima i začinskim notama.

Ukus: U ustima je u početku blago gorak, s jakim, ali mekim i svježim okusom. Još jednom dominiraju note borovice, popraćene notama zrna Tonka koje klasičnom okusu džina daju dašak vanilije.


Color: It has a slightly cloudy color due to the fact that the gin is not filtered before bottling.

Aroma: On the nose the aromas of juniper and Tonka bean stand out, which is sweetish, similar to vanilla, accompanied by citrus and spicy notes.

Taste: In the mouth it is initially slightly bitter, with a strong but soft and still fresh flavor. Once again the notes of juniper dominate, accompanied by those of the Tonka bean that give the classic taste of gin a hint of vanilla.


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SKU: TONKA-1GIN7 Kategorije: ,
Tvorac Tonka Gina je Roby Marton iz Veneta, koji ima veliko iskustvo u proizvodnji i distribuciji likera i koji je prvi proizveo svoj istoimeni džin. Marton je svoje džinove destilirao u povijesnoj destileriji u Bassanu, ali osobno prati svaku fazu proizvodnje, uključujući i izbor biljnih vrsta, a u ovom je ginu odlučio koristiti vrlo posebnu, zrna Tonka. To su sjemenke biljke porijeklom iz Južne Amerike, slične datuljama, manje slatke od vanilije, ali složenije i mirisnije arome. Tonka Gin posebno je prikladan za piće sam, polako pijuckajući, možda ga poprativši dobrom cigarom ili nekoliko dimova lule.
The creator of Tonka Gin is Roby Marton from Veneto, who has extensive experience in the production and distribution of liqueurs and who was the first to produce his homonymous gin. Marton has his gins distilled in a historic distillery in Bassano, but he personally follows every stage of production, including the choice of botanicals and in this gin he has decided to use a very particular one, namely the Tonka bean. These are the seeds of a plant native to South America, similar to dates, less sweet than vanilla but more complex and fragrant in aroma. Tonka Gin is particularly suitable to be drunk straight, sipped slowly, perhaps accompanying it with a good cigar or a few puffs of a pipe.