
Pétersov Les Chétillons pokazuje se vrlo dobro, odmotavajući se u čaši s mirisima zrelog citrusnog voća, hrskavog zelenog i žutog voća iz voćnjaka, bijelog cvijeća i suptilnih naznaka svježe pečenog kruha . Srednje do punog tijela, duboko i oštro, besprijekorno je i koncentrirano, njegova elegantna mesnata jezgra od voća poduprta oštrom kičmom kiselosti i animirana prilično preciznim mousseom; završava dugim, mineralnim završetkom.


Les Chétillons is showing very well, unwinding in the glass with scents of ripe citrus fruits, crisp green and yellow orchard fruit, white flowers and subtle hints of freshly baked bread. Medium to full-bodied, deep and incisive, it’s seamless and concentrated, its elegantly fleshy core of fruit underpinned by a racy spine of acidity and animated by a pretty pinpoint mousse; it concludes with a long, mineral finish.

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Povijesna pokrajina Champagne nalazi se na sjeveroistoku Francuske te je jedna od najpoznatijih svjetskih regija u kojoj se proizvode prirodna pjenušava vina. Naziv Champagne ekskluzivan je samo za proizvođače iz te regije, a sustav zaštite geografskog podrijetla jedan je od najstarijih u Europi (Appellation d′origine contrôlée – AOC). Površine koje obuhvaća pokrajina Champagne za proizvodnju šampanjca određene su 1927. prema AOC, one iznose 34 000 hektara. Na području Champagne sveukupno se nalazi oko 16 000 vinara s 278 000 vinograda.

Pokrajina je podijeljena na 5 okruga za proizvodnju vina: Aube, Côte des Blancs, Côte de Sézanne, Montagne de Reims i Vallée de la Marne. Najzastupljenije sorte su Pinot noir, Pinot Meunier i Chardonnay. Najpoznatiji šampanjski cuvée radi se upravo iz ovog grožđa, Blanc de blancs je šampanjac proizveden 100% iz grožđa Chardonnay-a, a Blanc de noirs je šampanjac proizveden od Pinot noir-a, Pinot meunier-a ili kupaže istih.

Povijest šampanjaca započinje s benediktancem Pierre Perignonom koji je u opatiji Hautvillers kraj Epernaya otkrio drugu fermenaciju. Pierre Perignon, pionir proizvodnje šampanjaca, najviše je poznat po pomnom biranju baznih vina te pravljenju prvih „blendova“ za šampanjce. Revolucija u proizvodnji šampanjaca dogodila se u Limouxu, provođenjem druge fermentacije u boci.

Boce šampanjca kada se napune u vinarijama odlaze na odležavanje u rudnike krede ispod vinarija, dugi i po nekoliko kilometara, neki se nalaze čak 40 metara ispod površine. Klima koju oni stvore puna je vlage i savršene temperature za odležavanje vina te stvaranje bukea šampanjaca.


The historic province of Champagne is located in the northeast of France and is one of the world’s most famous regions where natural sparkling wines are produced. The name Champagne is exclusive only to producers from that region, and the system of protection of geographical origin is one of the oldest in Europe (Appellation d′origine contrôlée – AOC). The areas covered by the province of Champagne for the production of champagne were determined in 1927 according to the AOC, they amount to 34,000 hectares. In the Champagne area, there are a total of about 16,000 winemakers with 278,000 vineyards.

The province is divided into 5 wine-producing districts: Aube, Côte des Blancs, Côte de Sézanne, Montagne de Reims and Vallée de la Marne. The most common varieties are Pinot Noir, Pinot Meunier and Chardonnay. The most famous champagne cuvée is made from this grape, Blanc de blancs is a champagne produced 100% from Chardonnay grapes, and Blanc de noirs is a champagne produced from Pinot noir, Pinot meunier or a blend of the same.

The history of champagne begins with the Benedictine Pierre Perignon, who discovered another fermentation in the abbey of Hautvillers near Epernay. Pierre Perignon, a pioneer of champagne production, is best known for carefully choosing base wines and making the first “blends” for champagne. A revolution in champagne production took place in Limoux, by conducting a second fermentation in the bottle.

When the bottles of champagne are filled in the wineries, they go to age in the chalk mines under the wineries, several kilometers long, some of which are as much as 40 meters below the surface. The climate they create is full of humidity and the perfect temperature for aging wine and creating a bouquet of champagne.



Pierre Péters je proizvođač šampanjaca iz Le Mesnil-sur-Ogeru posebno poznat po svojoj ponudi Blanc de Blancs Chardonnay šampanjaca. U posljednjih desetak godina imanje se brzo uzdiglo u sam vrh, privlačeći pozornost međunarodnih kritičara. Obitelj Péters uzgaja grožđe na Côte des Blancsu već šest generacija, počevši od 1858. godine kada se Gaston Péters iz Luksemburga oženio u obitelj lokalnih uzgajivača. Vina su nosila oznaku Camille Péters od 1919. do 1944., kada su preimenovana prema novom vlasniku, Pierreu Pétersu. Do danas, kuća ostaje u vlasništvu obitelji. Vina se rade isključivo iz posjedskih vinograda, što je neuobičajeno u regiji. Ukupno, Pierre Péters ima nešto više od 19 hektara  vinove loze Chardonnay koja se uglavnom nalazi u gornjim općinama Le Mesnil-sur-Oger, Oger, Avize i Cramant.

Les Chétillons je visoko cijenjeni vinograd u Le Mesnilu iz kojeg Pierre Péters proizvodi istoimeno vino. Sok se fermentira u malim čeličnim posudama s kontroliranom temperaturom i odležava na talogu. Glavni nevintage Cuvée de Réserve sadrži rezervna vina iz više od 15 različitih berbi Grand Cru  vina, dok se Extra Brut dobavlja s jednog mjesta. L’Esprit je vino iz više berbi, dok se La Perle puni u boce na nižem tlaku i nešto je manje suho od ostalih vina. Rosé je mješavina Chardonnaya s rosé de saignée (svjetlo obojeni crveni sok koji istječe iz crvenog voća) kako bi se dobio blijed, elegantan stil.


Pierre Péters is a Champagne house in Le Mesnil-sur-Oger particularly known for its range of Blanc de Blancs Chardonnay wines. In the last decade or so the estate has risen quickly into the top flight, garnering attention from international critics.The Péters family has grown grapes on the Côte des Blancs for six generations, beginning in 1858 when Gaston Péters of Luxembourg married into a family of local growers. The wines were labeled Camille Péters from 1919 to 1944, when it was renamed for the new proprietor, Pierre Péters.To this day, the house remains family-owned and run.The wines are made exclusively from estate vineyards, which is unusual in the region. In total, Pierre Péters has just over 19 hectares of Chardonnay vines mainly located in the top communes of Le Mesnil-sur-Oger, Oger, Avize and Cramant.

Les Chétillons is a highly regarded vineyard in Le Mesnil from which Pierre Péters makes a single-vineyard wine of the same name.Juice is fermented in small temperature-controlled steel vats and aged on its lees. The non-vintage flagship Cuvée de Réserve features reserve wines from more than 15 different vintages of Grand Cru vineyard wines, while the Extra Brut is sourced from a single site.L’Esprit is the multi-vineyard vintage wine, while La Perle is bottled at lower pressure and is slightly less dry than the other wines. The rosé is a blend of Chardonnay with rosé de saignée (lightly-colored red juice run off from red fruit) to give a pale-hued, elegant style