
Izgled: boja polirane bronce.
Aroma: intenzivni šeri sa suhim šljivama, grožđicama i zrelim ljetnim plodovima.
Okus: odležani voćni kolač, začini, vanilija i smokve, bogat i snažan.
Appearance : polished bronze.
Aroma : intense sherry with prunes, raisins and ripe summer fruits.
Taste : aged fruit cake, spice, vanilla and figs, rich and powerful.

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Lost Distillery proizvodi viski po starim receptima Škotskih destilerija koje su zatvorene prije i tokom prohibicije u prošlom stoljeću.

Lost Distillery produces whiskey according to old recipes of Scottish distilleries that were closed before and during Prohibition in the last century.

Destilerija / Distillery

Destilerija / Distillery

Destilerija Jericho/ Benachie – 1824. – 1913.
U dolini blizu grada Inscha smješteni su ostaci destilerije Jericho koja je osamdeset godina živjela i uspijevala u osamljenom prevoju na brdima Aberdeenshire. Zaštićen od najoštrijih sjevernoškotskih elemenata, putnik bi bio teško pronađen ovu potonulu, udaljenu destileriju skrivenu u divljem krajoliku. Slavni novinar  Alfred Barnard opisao je svoje putovanje od Glendronacha do Benachieja, jer je Jericho bio poznat nakon 1884. godine, “jednim od najtužnijih i najusamljenijih koje smo prošli”.
William Smith osnovao je destileriju 1822. godine, na mjestu koje je bilo savršeno za malu proizvodnju viskija. Područje je bilo poznato po proizvodnji ječma, a okolna brda blagoslovljena obilnom količinom treseta. Obližnji Jordan Burn opskrbio je destileriju stalnim mlazom bistre vode. Njegovo udaljeno mjesto pomoglo je destileriji da ostane skrivena i da je trošarinarima teško nadzirati prije nego što destilacija postane legalna. Dok je popratna farma pružala glavni izvor prihoda, Smith je imao sve što mu je bilo potrebno za razvoj uspješne destilerije na farmi.
U prošlom stoljeću gotovo je stotinjak destilerija viskija zatvoreno ili uništeno. To čini gotovo polovicu svih destilerija koje su ikada postojale u Škotskoj. Globalna ekonomska kriza, prevelika proizvodnja, svjetski ratovi i zabrane doprinijeli su gubitku toliko destilerija. Kao rezultat svih ovih čimbenika, mnogi jedinstveni i cijenjeni brendovi izgubljeni su u svijetu.

Jericho/ Benachie Distillery – 1824 – 1913
Tucked away in a valley near the town of Insch are the remains of the Jericho Distillery, which lived and thrived for eighty years in a secluded fold in the Aberdeenshire hills. Protected from the harshest Northern Scottish elements, a traveller would be hard pressed to find this sunken, remote distillery hidden in the wild landscape. The famed whisky journalist Alfred Barnard described his journey from Glendronach to Benachie, as Jericho was known after 1884, as ‘one of the most bleak and loneliest we have traversed.’

William Smith established the distillery in 1822, in a location that was perfect for small scale whisky production. The area was famed for barley production and the surrounding hills blessed with copious amounts of peat. The nearby Jordan Burn supplied the distillery with a steady stream of clear water. Its remote location helped the distillery remain concealed and difficult for the excise-men to monitor before distillation became legal. While the accompanying farm provided the main source of income, Smith had everything he needed to develop a successful pre-industrial farm distillery.

In the last century, almost one hundred of Scotland’s malt whisky distilleries have been closed or destroyed.
This accounts for nearly half of all distilleries that have ever existed in Scotland. Global economic downturn, over-production, world wars and prohibition have all contributed to the loss of so many distilleries.
As a result of all of these factors, many unique and venerable brands have been lost to the world.