
Iako možda nikada nećemo znati kakav je okus viskija iz destilerije Gerston (zatvoren davne 1882., a zatim ponovno 1914.), The Lost Distillery Company istražili su njihove proizvodne metode i stvorili mješani slad za koji pretpostavljaju da bi mogao okusiti kao Gerstonov whisky!

Miris: Naprvu nova koža, sušeni ječam, pougljeni hrast, zatim preokret – na jabuke .

Nepce: krokant od kikirikija, maslinovo ulje, list metvice i note tijesta.

Završetak: Suptilno slani udarac u finišu.

Though we may never know what whisky from the Gerston distillery tastes like (it closed back in 1882, and then again in 1914), The Lost Distillery Company have researched their production methods and created a blended malt which they reckon might well taste like Gerston’s whisky!

Nose: New leather, dried barley, charred oak and apple turnover.

Palate: Peanut brittle, olive oil, mint leaf and more pastry notes.

Finish: A subtly salty kick on the finish.

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Lost Distillery proizvodi viski po starim receptima Škotskih destilerija koje su zatvorene prije i tokom prohibicije u prošlom stoljeću.

Lost Distillery produces whiskey according to old recipes of Scottish distilleries that were closed before and during Prohibition in the last century.

Destilerija / Distillery

Destilerija / Distillery

Destilerije Gerston – 1796 – 1882 i 1886 – 1914
Priča o Gerston viskiju priča je o dvije destilerije, poznate kao Gerston One i Gerston Two. Gerston One bila je destilerija u obiteljskom vlasništvu na poljoprivrednom gospodarstvu, tipično male proizvodnje, koja je proizvodila visokokvalitetni whisky koji je bio tražen i kod kuće i dalje. Uživali su u njemu u velikom i dobrom londonskom društvu i imali su kupce čak iz od Brazila i Indije. Postojao je više od osamdeset godina, a u obitelji Swanson ostao je gotovo cijelo to vrijeme.
Gerston Two bila je destilerija industrijskog mjerila s kapacitetom od 80.000 litara špirita godišnje. Vlasnici su se nadali da će ponoviti uspjeh viskija iz Gerston One -a izgradnjom nove destilerije, koja je imala kapacitet gotovo deset puta veći od Gerston One -a. Kada je otvoren 1886. godine, bila je to vjerojatno najinovativnija i najsuvremenija destilerija u Škotskoj, i zasigurno najveći destilerija u Caithnessu. Njegov je dizajn iskoristio prirodni pad zemlje koji je gravitaciji omogućio upravljanje procesom i kretanjem tekućina. Proizvodnja u Gerston Two trajala je nešto više od dva desetljeća – nisu uspjeli ponoviti uspjeh i, što je važno, kvalitetu duha koja je prethodno bila povezana s imenom Gerston.
 U prošlom stoljeću gotovo je stotinjak destilerija viskija iz slada zatvoreno ili uništeno. To čini gotovo polovicu svih destilerija koje su ikada postojale u Škotskoj. Globalna ekonomska kriza, prevelika proizvodnja, svjetski ratovi i zabrane doprinijeli su gubitku toliko destilerija. Kao rezultat svih ovih čimbenika, mnogi jedinstveni i cijenjeni brendovi izgubljeni su u svijetu.
The Gerston Distilleries – 1796 – 1882 & 1886 – 1914
The story of Gerston whisky is a tale of two distilleries, known as Gerston One and Gerston Two. Gerston One was a family-owned farm- house scale distillery, with a typically small output, making high quality spirit that was in demand both at home and further afield. It was enjoyed by the great and good of London society and had customers as far apart as Brazil and India. It existed for over eighty years, and remained in the Swanson family for nearly all of that time.

Gerston Two was an industrial scale distillery with a capacity of 80,000 gallons of spirit per year. The owners hoped to emulate the success of the whisky from Gerston One by building a new distillery, which had a capacity almost ten times the size of Gerston One. When it was opened in 1886 it was arguably the most innovative and modern distillery in Scotland, and certainly the largest distillery in Caithness. Its design utilised a natural fall in the land, which allowed gravity to govern the process and the movement of liquids. Production at Gerston Two lasted for little over two decades – they were unable to replicate the success and, importantly, quality of spirit previously associated with the Gerston name.

In the last century, almost one hundred of Scotland’s malt whisky distilleries have been closed or destroyed.
This accounts for nearly half of all distilleries that have ever existed in Scotland. Global economic downturn, over-production, world wars and prohibition have all contributed to the loss of so many distilleries.
As a result of all of these factors, many unique and venerable brands have been lost to the world.