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Čisto, svijetlo. Rubin boja postaje kestenjasta. Na nosu su složene i elegantne, široke voćne i začinske note. Na ustima, elegantno, s ugodnim naznakama zbog starenja bačve. Dug i svilenkast završetak.
Clean, bright. Ruby colour developing to maroon. On the nose is complex and elegant, wide fruity and spicy notes. On the mouth, elegant, with pleasant hints due to the barrel ageing. Long and silky finish.

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Bodegas Faustino jedan je od međunarodno najpriznatijih svjetskih proizvođača Rioje. Njegova vina temeljena na Tempranillu distribuiraju se u više od 70 zemalja, a Faustino svake godine čini više od trećine ukupnog izvoza Rioje Reserve i Gran Reserve. Povijesni bodegas osnovao je Eleuterio Martínez Arzok 1861. Arzok se nastanio u Oyonu u Álavi na sjeveroistoku Španjolske i kupio vinograde. Bodege su postale poznate i široko rasprostranjene u Španjolskoj, ali tek je krajem 1950-ih Julio Faustino Martinez počeo izvoziti vino na međunarodnoj razini. Početkom 1960 -ih Julio je objavio Faustino paletu vina koja je i danas vodeća u vinariji. Faustino proizvodi paletu vina Rioja na različitim razinama kvalitete, od Crianze do Gran Reserve, kako od crvenih tako i od bijelih sorti grožđa. Na imanju se proizvodi i nekoliko vina Cavas te nekoliko rosado vina. Vina Bodegas Faustino posebno su prepoznatljiva po svojim bocama u Burgundskom obliku koje su zamrznute da izgledaju poput kamena. Svaka etiketa ima barokni portret koji je specifičan za vino: vodeća Faustino I Gran Reserva nosi portret Nicolaesa Van Bambeecka kojeg je naslikao Rembrandt van Rijn.
Bodegas Faustino is one of the most internationally recognized Rioja producers in the world. Its Tempranillo-based wines are distributed to over 70 countries and Faustino makes up more than a third of total Rioja Reserva and Gran Reserva exports each year. The historic bodegas was founded by Eleuterio Martínez Arzok in 1861. Arzok settled in Oyon in Álava in northeastern Spain and bought vineyards. The bodegas became well-known and widely distributed within Spain, but it wasn't until the late 1950s that Julio Faustino Martinez began exporting the wine internationally. In the early 1960s Julio released the Faustino range of wines that continues to be the flagship of the winery today. Faustino makes a range of Rioja wines at various levels of quality, from Crianza up to Gran Reserva from both red and white grape varieties. The estate also makes several Cavas and a couple of rosado wines. Bodegas Faustino wines are especially recognizable for their Burgundy-shaped bottles which are frosted to look like stone. Each label has a baroque portrait that is specific to the wine: the flagship Faustino I Gran Reserva carries the portrait of Nicolaes Van Bambeeck as painted by Rembrandt van Rijn.