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Château Margaux, 2018


Château Margaux 2018. izrađen je od 90% Cabernet Sauvignona, 4% Merlota, 4% Cabernet Franca i 2% Petit Verdota. Grand vin predstavlja 36% uroda ove godine. Vino ima pH od 3,8 i 14% alkohola. Duboko ljubičasto-crne boje izbija iz čaše energičnim morello trešnjama, mirisima crnih malina i pita od kupina te nijansama mirisnog tla, ušećerenim ljubičicama, lavandom, sandalovinom, nepušenim cigarama i crnim maslinama uz blagi val riže i sladić koji nastaje nagovaranjem. Punog tijela, nepce je nabijeno najnevjerojatnijom energijom, isporučujući sloj za slojem crvenih i crnih plodova s ​​tonama zemljanih nijansi, uokvirenim izvrsno zrelim, sitnozrnim taninima, završavajući nevjerojatnom svježinom i izvanredno dugotrajnim dugotrajni parfem. Veličanstveni.

The 2018 Château Margaux is made of 90% Cabernet Sauvignon, 4% Merlot, 4% Cabernet Franc and 2% Petit Verdot. The grand vin represents 36% of the crop this year. The wine has a pH of 3.8 and 14% alcohol. Deep purple-black in color, it comes prancing out of the glass with energetic Morello cherries, black raspberries and blackberry pie scents plus nuances of fragrant soil, candied violets, lavender, sandalwood, unsmoked cigars and black olives with a gentle wave of cassis and licorice emerging with coaxing. Full-bodied, the palate is charged with the most amazing energy, delivering layer after layer of red and black fruits with tons of earthy nuances, framed by the most exquisitely ripe, fine-grained tannins, finishing with amazing freshness and an extraordinarily long-lingering perfume. Magnificent.


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Margaux je najudaljeniji južni otok u Medocu na Bordeauxovoj lijevoj obali i može se pohvaliti mnogim vrstama tla, uključujući vapnenac, kredu, glinu, pijesak i šljunak, što znači da stil i kvaliteta Margauxa mogu dramatično varirati.

Najbolja vina Margaux potječu iz grožđa zasađenog na šljunčanim tlima s dobrom drenažomVina Bordeaux Margaux imaju tendenciju duboke rubin boje, parfemirana i cvjetna, posebno s notama ljubičica i jorgovana, te mekanih, svilenkastih tanina.


Margaux is the most remote southern island of Medoc on the left bank of Bordeaux and boasts many types of soil, including limestone, chalk, clay, sand and gravel, which means that the style and quality of Margaux can vary dramatically.

The best Margaux wines come from grapes planted on gravelly soils with good drainage. Bordeaux Margaux wines tend to have a deep ruby ​​color, perfumed and floral, especially with notes of purple and lilac, and soft, silky tannins.




Područje Château Margaux prostire se na 262 hektara (650 hektara), od čega 87 hektara (210 hektara) ima pravo na izjavu AOC Margaux. Na 80 hektara (200 hektara) zasađeno je 75% cabernet sauvignona, 20% merlota, 2% cabernet franca i petit verdota. [6] 12 hektara (30 hektara) obrađuje se sauvignon blanc za dobivanje suhog bijelog Pavillon Blanca. Prosječna godišnja proizvodnja Grand vina, Château Margaux, iznosi 150.000 boca, dok drugo vino Pavillon Rouge du Château Margaux ima prosječnu proizvodnju od 200.000 boca. Suho bijeli Pavillon Blanc du Château Margaux proizvodi oko 35 000 boca, a mora se prodavati pod generičkim Bordeaux AOC-om, jer uzgoj sauvignon blanca ne potpada pod direktive Margaux.


The Château Margaux area covers 262 hectares (650 hectares), of which 87 hectares (210 hectares) are entitled to a statement from AOC Margaux. 75% of Cabernet Sauvignon, 20% Merlot, 2% Cabernet Franc and Petit Verdot were planted on 80 hectares (200 hectares). [6] 12 acres (30 acres) are treated with sauvignon blanc to obtain a dry white Pavillon Blanc. The average annual production of Grand wine, Château Margaux, is 150,000 bottles, while the other wine Pavillon Rouge du Château Margaux has an average production of 200,000 bottles. The dry white Pavillon Blanc du Château Margaux produces around 35,000 bottles and must be sold under the generic Bordeaux AOC, as the cultivation of sauvignon blanc does not fall under the Margaux directives.