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Ginraw je super-premium gin koji je napravio jedinstveni kreativni tim koji je uspio uhvatiti autentični duh grada Barcelone. Najbolji izbor mediteranskih i egzotičnih biljaka u potrazi za savršenom kombinacijom koja definira osobnost Ginrawa. Jedinstven postupak destilacije: kombinacija tradicionalne destilacije bobica kleke u bakrenim kotlovima s najnovijim tehnikama destilacije na niskim temperaturama. Izrađeno u malim serijama od 5000 boca, pojedinačno numeriranih. Rezultat je gin koji se ističe čistoćom svojih biljnih sastojaka, svjež i elegantan, savršen za samostalno piće, kao G&T ili kao baza za bilo koju vrstu koktela.


Ginraw is a super-premium gin made by a unique creative team that managed to capture the authentic spirit of the city of Barcelona. The best selection of Mediterranean and exotic plants in search of the perfect combination that defines Ginraw’s personality. Unique distillation process: a combination of the traditional distillation of juniper berries in copper stills with the latest low-temperature distillation techniques for the rest of the botanicals. Made in small batches of 5000 bottles, individually numbered. The result is a gin that stands out for the purity of its herbal ingredients, fresh and elegant, perfect for drinking on its own, as a G&T or as a base for any type of cocktail.

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Gin je destilat od neutralnog alkohola koji se može dobiti od žitarica, grožđa, krumpira, šećerne trske i sl. Aromatizacija se postiže ovisno o destileriji i stilu proizvodnje putem maceracije (namakanjem) začina i trava, infuzije, parom, kuhanjem začina pod niskim tlakom ili umjetnim aromama. Glavna aroma gina je borovica (juniper na engleskom, jenever na nizozemskom, ginepro na talijanskom), po kojoj gin i dobiva ime.


Gin is a distillate of neutral alcohol that can be obtained from cereals, grapes, potatoes, sugar cane, etc. Flavoring is achieved depending on the distillery and production style by maceration (soaking) of spices and herbs, infusion, steam, cooking spices under low pressure or artificial flavors. The main aroma of gin is pine (juniper in English, jenever in Dutch, ginepro in Italian), after which gin is named.
Destilerija / Distillery

Destilerija / Distillery

Vantguard smještena uz La Costa Dorada ili “Golden Coast,” destilerija obitelji Giro počela je proizvodnju gina 1940 g, zajedno s drugim vinima i alkoholnim pićima, čija proizvodnja datira iz 1835 g. Za razliku od tradicionalnih aroma u ginu, u kojima ipak dominira smreka. Gin Mare je započeo put za potpuno novu ideju gina. Svaka boca Gin Mare izrađena je u destileriji,   kapeli iz trinaestog stoljeća koja se nalazi u drevnom ribarskom selu između Costa Brave i Costa Dorade. Gin Mare Capri nadahnut je mirisima talijanskog otoka Capri.

Vantguard located next to La Costa Dorada or “Golden Coast,” the Giro family distillery began producing gin in 1940, along with other wines and spirits, whose production dates back to 1835. Unlike traditional gin aromas, which are still dominated by spruce . Gin Mare has started the journey for a whole new idea of ​​gin. Each bottle of Gin Mare is made in a distillery, a thirteenth-century chapel located in an ancient fishing village between the Costa Brava and the Costa Dorada. Gin Mare Capri is inspired by the scents of the Italian island of Capri.