Smješten u Auvergneu, u regiji Clermont-Ferrand poznatoj kao regija francuskih vulkana, i duboko u srcu Francuske, mineralni izvor Saint Geron ima dugu i ponosnu prirodnu povijest. Kao i kod mnogih velikih prirodnih voda, u izvoru Svetog Gerona uživali su Rimljani. Krajem 19. stoljeća, radnici koji su gradili rezervoare za prikupljanje vode iz izvora, otkrili su antičke bunare i novčiće iz vladavine Faustine Augustus tijekom galo-rimskog razdoblja. Od svoje rane povijesti, Saint Geron je bio obasjan nagradama. Nazvana “Kraljica mineralnih voda”, dugo se preporuča kao pomoć u liječenju anemije, probavnih problema, dijabetesa, pa čak i gihta. Njegovu elegantnu staklenu bocu kreirao je slikar i dizajner Alberto Bali.
Located in Auvergne, in the Clermont-Ferrand region known as the region of French volcanoes, and deep in the heart of France, the Saint Geron mineral spring has a long and proud natural history. As with many great natural waters, the source of St. Geron was enjoyed by the Romans. In the late 19th century, workers building reservoirs to collect water from springs discovered ancient wells and coins from the reign of Faustina Augustus during the Gallo-Roman period. From its early history, Saint Geron has been shining with awards. Called the “Queen of Mineral Waters”, it has long been recommended as an aid in treating anemia, digestive problems, diabetes, and even gout. His elegant glass bottle was created by painter and designer Alberto Bali.