
Roby Marton stoji iza Big Gina. Roberto svojim ginovima daje osobni pečat i s ljubavlju ih naziva Ginos, otuda i naziv ovog destilata. May Chang ili Litsea cubeba biljna je vrsta roda Litsea iz obitelji lovora i često poznatija kao paprika cubeb. Ova zimzelena biljka uzgaja se u Japanu i koristi se u aromaterapiji jer je poznata po svojim zdravstvenim svojstvima. May Chang je gin bez umjetnih boja i konzervansa.

Boja: prozirna.
Nos: slatko-voćni, citrusni mirisi.
Okus: Svježi, slatki, limeta, yutzus.
Završetak: Dugotrajan, suh.


Roby Marton is the man behind Big Gino. Roberto gives his gins a personal touch and lovingly calls them Ginos, hence the name of this distillate. May Chang or Litsea cubeba is a plant species of the genus Litsea within the laurel family and often better known as cubeb pepper. This evergreen plant is grown in Japan and is used in aromatherapy as it is known for its health properties. The May Chang is a gin without artificial colors or preservatives.

Colour: Clear.

Nose: Sweet-fruity, citrus aromas.
Flavor: Fresh, sweet, limes, yutzus.
Finish: Long-lasting, dry.

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Destilerija / Distillery

Destilerija / Distillery

RobyMarton Gin rođen je u Trevisu 2013. godine, iz projekta svog tvorca i imenjaka. Proizveden je u povijesnoj Destileriji u Bassanu del Grappi, prema tradicionalnoj metodi, pa je tako podvrgnut dvama različitim postupcima destilacije i dugoj hladnoj infuziji prirodnih biljaka. U prvom postupku alkohol s klekom se destilira, dobivajući bazu džina; u drugoj fazi, za oko 10% ukupnog volumena, pravi se hladna infuzija (koja se naziva hladna smjesa) s 11 biljaka: kora citrusa, cimet, korijen sladića, anis, bobice borovice, ružičasti papar, korijen hrena, đumbir, klinčići, piment, kardamom. Ovaj drugi postupak destilacije čini Roby Marton Gin jedinstvenim u svojoj vrsti, arome su jasne i intenzivne, cjelina je elegantna, a okus postojan. Za svaku destilaciju pažljivo se traži najbolja kvaliteta biljaka, ovisno o godišnjem dobu, zbog toga je svaka serija različita, s istaknutim naznakama koje se mogu razlikovati ovisno o podrijetlu začina. Zanatski gin, ručno izrađen i pažljivo se prati u svakoj fazi proizvodnje, a mikrofiltracija koja se izvodi omogućuje zlatnu i mutnu boju koja ga uvijek razlikuje.

RobyMarton Gin was born in Treviso in 2013, from a project of its creator and namesake. It is produced in a historic Distillery in Bassano del Grappa, according to a traditional method, and is thus subjected to two different distillation processes, and to a long cold infusion of natural botanicals.

In the first process the alcohol with the juniper is distilled, obtaining the base of the gin; in the second phase, for about 10% of the total volume, a cold infusion (called cold-compound) is made with 11 botanicals: citrus peel, cinnamon, licorice root, aniseed, juniper berries, pink pepper , horseradish root, ginger, cloves, allspice, cardamom. This second distillation process makes Roby Marton Gin unique in its kind, the aromas are clear and intense, the whole is elegant and the taste persistent.
For each distillation, a careful search for the best quality of botanicals takes place depending on the season, for this reason each lot is different, with prominent notes and hints that can vary according to the origin of the spices.
An artisanal gin, made by hand and meticulously followed in every production phase, and the microfiltration that is performed allows a golden and turbid color that always distinguishes it.