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Nos: Nema sumnje da se radi o citrusnom džinu. Miris limunske trave je vrlo dominantan, ali su prisutne i slatke naranče, mandarine i grejp. Nakon nekog vremena dobijete i prekrasan suh miris borovice i vjerojatno kumkvata.
Nepce: Gin je mekan i gladak, a prvo što ćete primijetiti je borovica prije nego što pređe na svježi i citrusni profil na kojem dominiraju limunska trava, mandarine, slatke naranče i grejpfrut prije nego što pređe na laganu gorčinu kad džin napusti usta.

Nose: There is no doubt that this is a citrus forward gin. The fragrance of lemongrass is very dominating but also the sweet oranges, tangerines and grapefruit is very present. After a little while you also get a beautiful dry fragrance from the juniper and probably the kumquat.

The palate: The gin is soft and smooth and the first thing you will notice is the juniper before it goes over to a fresh and citrus profile where the lemongrass, tangerines, sweet oranges and grapefruit is dominating to begin with before it goes over to a slightly bitterness when the gin leaves your mouth.

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Gin je destilat od neutralnog alkohola koji se može dobiti od žitarica, grožđa, krumpira, šećerne trske i sl. Aromatizacija se postiže ovisno o destileriji i stilu proizvodnje putem maceracije (namakanjem) začina i trava, infuzije, parom, kuhanjem začina pod niskim tlakom ili umjetnim aromama. Glavna aroma gina je borovica (juniper na engleskom, jenever na nizozemskom, ginepro na talijanskom), po kojoj gin i dobiva ime.


Gin is a distillate of neutral alcohol that can be obtained from cereals, grapes, potatoes, sugar cane, etc. Flavoring is achieved depending on the distillery and production style by maceration (soaking) of spices and herbs, infusion, steam, cooking spices under low pressure or artificial flavors. The main aroma of gin is pine (juniper in English, jenever in Dutch, ginepro in Italian), after which gin is named.
Destilerija / Distillery

Destilerija / Distillery

LE TRIBUTE Gin je najsvježije izdanje koje proizvodi  Destilierias MG, obiteljska destilerija u Vilanovama, čudesnom ribarskom naselju koje se nalazi oko 50 kilometara od Barcelone. Destilerija koju je 1845. godine osnovala obitelj Giro, jedan je od najstarijih u Španjolskoj. Logotip LE TRIBUTE bez sumnje je inspiriran poviješću destilerije, budući da je proveo prvih sto godina stvarajući sirupe i lijekove. Dok se industrija destilerije možda promijenila, obitelj iza njega ostaje ista. Pet generacija obitelji Giro  stoji iza Destilierias MG, prenoseći njihovo znanja o destiliranju s oca na sina.

LE TRIBUTE Gin is the latest edition produced by Destilierias MG, a family distillery in Vilanova, a wonderful fishing village located about 50 kilometers from Barcelona. The distillery, founded in 1845 by the Giro family, is one of the oldest in Spain. The LE TRIBUTE logo is undoubtedly inspired by the history of the distillery, as it has spent the first hundred years creating syrups and medicines. While the distillery industry may have changed, the family behind it remains the same. Five  generations of the Giro family stand behind Destilierias MG, passing on their knowledge of distilling from father to son.