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Alion je “mlađi brat” Vegi Siciliji; izrađen s istom elegancijom. Vino leži 3 godine u hrastovim bačvama prije izlaska na tržište,  kako bi postiglo njegovu jedinstvenu, besprijekornu teksturu.

Alion is the “younger brother” of Vega Sicily; made with the same elegance. The wine is aged for 3 years in oak barrels before going on the market, in order to achieve its unique, flawless texture.


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Nos: Uglađenost, karakter, složenost. Ova sorta Tinta Fina sugerira neke svježe, netaknute note crvenog voća (brusnice, trešnje, jagode), uz cvjetne nijanse i  začine (kardamom, komorač i klinčić). U pozadini, ovo vino iz Ribera del Duero insinuira neke zemljane i mineralne note.

Okus: Vrhunsko i nijansirano, ovo vino  ima bujnu teksturu. Najviše bobice i borovnice, neki mineralni tonovi, cimet, klinčić i kakao.

Nose: Smoothness, character, complexity. This variety Tinta Fina suggests some fresh, untouched notes of red fruit (cranberries, cherries, strawberries), along with floral shades and spices (cardamom, fennel and clove). In the background, this wine from Ribera del Duero insinuates some earthy and mineral notes.

Taste: Superb and nuanced, this wine has a lush texture. Mostly berries and blueberries, some mineral tones, cinnamon, clove and cocoa.



Ribera del Duero je važno vinorodno područje u Castilla y Leonu na sjeveru Španjolske. Njegov ugled je poznat u velikoj mjeri zahvaljujući visokoj kvaliteti crnih vina Tempranillo, čiji su najbolji primjeri poznati u cijelom svijetu. Glavni grad Ribera del Duero je povijesni grad Aranda de Duero, koji se može pohvaliti nizom antičkih podzemnih podruma (bodegas) izgrađenih za čuvanje vina. Međupovezani podrumi na mjestima dosežu dubinu od 12 metara. Unatoč dugoj povijesti proizvodnje vina, Ribera del Duero nije dobila status DO-a sve do 1982. Zatim je uspostavljen odgovarajući Consejo Regulador (tijelo za regulaciju vina) koje će ga administrirati.
Ribera del Duero se nalazi na povišenom sjevernom platou Iberijskog poluotoka na 800 metara nadmorske visine. Podijeljena je rijekom Duero (kako bi sugeriralo njezino ime – Ribera del Duero znači ‘obala Duero’), koja lokalnim vinogradima osigurava prijeko potrebnu opskrbu vodom.
Unutarnje područje regije, zajedno sa zaštitnim djelovanjem obližnjih planinskih lanaca Sierra de la Demanda i Sierra de Guadarrama, stvara ekstremnu klimu u kojoj su vruća i suha ljeta popraćena oštrim zimama. Temperature se mogu kretati u rasponu od –0,4 do 104 ° (–18 ° C do 40 ° C) i zimi, pa čak i proljetni mrazevi ovdje predstavljaju stvarnu prijetnju. U vegetacijskom razdoblju visoke dnevne temperature kombiniraju se sa znatno hladnijim noćima – stanje koje pomaže u optimalnom nakupljanju aroma i drugih kemijskih spojeva (fenola) u grožđu.
Naizmjenični slojevi vapnenca, lapora i krede pod muljem i glinovitim slojem tla dodaju složenost i karakter vina vinima Ribera del Duero.
Danas je Ribera del Duero gotovo u cijelosti posvećena crnom vinu, a Tempranillo je najzastupljenija sorta grožđa. Lokalno je poznat kao Tinto Fino ili Tinta del Pais i proizvodi vina duboko obojena, čvrste strukture tanina i složenih aroma duda i kupine. Većina vrhunskih primjera godinama je graciozno. Prema pravilima DO-a, Tempranillo mora činiti najmanje 75% svih vinos tintosa (crnih vina). Ravnotežu čine Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot i Malbec (sorte koje je Vega Sicilia uvela prije više od jednog stoljeća) ili do 5% Albilla ili Garnacha.

Ribera del Duero is an important wine-growing area in Castilla y Leon in northern Spain. Its reputation is known in large part thanks to the high quality of Tempranillo red wines, the best examples of which are known all over the world. The capital of Ribera del Duero is the historic city of Aranda de Duero, which boasts a series of ancient underground cellars (bodegas) built to store wine. Interconnected basements in places reach a depth of 12 meters. Despite a long history of wine production, the Ribera del Duero did not receive DO status until 1982. An appropriate Consejo Regulador (wine regulation body) was then established to administer it. Ribera del Duero is located on the elevated northern plateau of the Iberian Peninsula at 800 meters above sea level. It is divided by the river Duero (to suggest its name – Ribera del Duero means ‘duero coast’), which provides local vineyards with much-needed water supply. The interior of the region, together with the protective action of the nearby Sierra de la Demanda and Sierra de Guadarrama mountain ranges, creates an extreme climate in which hot and dry summers are accompanied by harsh winters. Temperatures can range from -0.4 to 104 ° (-18 ° C to 40 ° C) in winter, and even spring frosts are a real threat here. During the growing season, high daytime temperatures are combined with much colder nights – a condition that helps to optimally accumulate aromas and other chemical compounds (phenols) in grapes. Alternating layers of limestone, marl and chalk under the mud and clay layer of the soil add complexity and character to the wines of Ribera del Duero wines. Today, Ribera del Duero is almost entirely dedicated to red wine, and Tempranillo is the most represented grape variety. It is locally known as Tinto Fino or Tinta del Pais and produces wines of deep color, solid tannin structure and complex aromas of mulberry and blackberry. Most of the top examples have been graceful over the years. According to DO rules, Tempranillo must make up at least 75% of all vinos tintos (red wines). The balance is made up of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot and Malbec (varieties introduced by Vega Sicilia more than a century ago) or up to 5% Albilla or Garnacha.



Vinarija Bodegas Alion,  je drugi projekt Vega Sicilije u Riberi del Duero, osnovan 1986.godine. Ima 130 hektara zemljišta podijeljenih u tri velika bloka od kojih se sedamdeset nalazi na samom imanju Vega Sicilia: 30 hektara u Padili de Duero, i još 30 hektara u obližnjem gradu Pesquera de Duero. Prva berba koja se komercijalizirala bila je 1991. godine. Vinarija je smještena samo niz cestu od Vega Sicilije, a vino se proizvodi od 100% tempranilla. Nakon fermentacije, vino ostaje u spremniku dva ili tri mjeseca na svojim finim talozima prije nego se preseli u sve nove bačve francuskog hrasta, gdje ostaje 13 do 15 mjeseci.

Bodegas Alion Winery is the second project of Vega Sicily in Ribera del Duero, founded in 1986. It has 130 hectares of land divided into three large blocks of which seventy are located on the Vega Sicilia estate itself: 30 hectares in Padilla de Duero, and another 30 hectares in the nearby town of Pesquera de Duero. The first harvest to be commercialized was in 1991. The winery is located just down the road from Vega Sicily, and the wine is made from 100% tempranilla. After fermentation, the wine remains in the tank for two or three months on its fine lees before being moved to all the new French oak barrels, where it remains for 13 to 15 months.