„Duša bez vina kratkog je daha“ – Heraklit
Acrobat D&M d.o.o. osnovana je 2004. -te godine sa fokusom na distribuciju vina te se je u periodu od sljedećih 6 godina izborila za status najbrže rastuće privatne tvrtke u vinskom sektoru.
2010. te godine započinje sa prvim uvozom, šampanjcima prestižne kuće Billecart-Salmon te u sljedećih nekoliko godina proširuje svoj asortiman brendovima kao što su Gaja, Tenuta San Guido ( Sassicaia ), Olivier Leflaive, Adami, Tua Rita, Arnoux-Lachaux, Haut-Brion, Frescobaldi, Marijan Simčić, Zalto itd. 2014-te godine započinje novo poglavlje za Acrobat D&M d.o.o. koje je obilježeno preuzimanjem jedne od najstarijih vinoteka u Zagrebu na adresi Prisavlje 2, ( Boćarski dom) koja poćinje poslovati pod novim nazivom , Vinoteka Svijet Vina.
Sljedećih nekoliko godina Acrobat D&M d.o.o. proširuje svoj asortiman svjetski poznatim destilerijama kao što su Gin Mare i drugim proizvodima iz grupacije Vantguard , Blue Gin, Roby Marton, Clase Azul, Chase, Wemyss, Crucial Drinks ( Lost Distillery, Rum&Cane i Six Saints ) te brendovima vode Voss , Iskilde i 22 Artesian.
“A soul without wine is short-lived” – Heraclitus
Acrobat D&M d.o.o. was founded in 2004 with a focus on wine distribution and over the next 6 years has won the status of the fastest growing private company in the wine sector.
In 2010, it started with the first import, champagne of the prestigious house Billecart-Salmon, and in the next few years expanded its range to brands such as Gaia, Tenuta San Guido (Sassicaia), Olivier Leflaive, Adami, Tua Rita, Arnoux-Lachaux, Haut- Brion, Frescobaldi, Marijan Simčić, Zalto, etc. In 2014, a new chapter for Acrobat D&M doo begins which was marked by the takeover of one of the oldest wine shops in Zagreb at the address Prisavlje 2, (Boćarski dom), which started operating under a new name, Vinoteka Svijet Vina.
Over the next few years Acrobat D&M d.o.o. expands its range with world-famous distilleries such as Gin Mare and other products from the Vantguard Group, Blue Gin, Roby Marton, Clase Azul, Chase, Wemyss, Crucial Drinks (Lost Distillery, Rum & Cane and Six Saints) and water brands Voss, Iskilde and 22 Artesian.
Danas Acrobat D&M d.o.o. usko surađuje sa svim najznačajnijim hrvatskim vinarima kao što su Tomac, Meneghetti, Boškinac, Korak, Krauthaker, Matošević, Kabola, Bibich, Plenković i mnogi drugi.
Today Acrobat D&M d.o.o. works closely with all the most important Croatian winemakers such as Tomac, Meneghetti, Boškinac, Korak, Krauthaker, Matošević, Kabola, Bibich, Plenković and many others.