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Tehnika proizvodnje koja se koristi za ovu votku jednako je posebna kao i samo piće. Jednom godišnje raste jedna posebna sorta  krumpira s jakim karakterom. Cilj je izvući različite kvalitete krumpira. Samo trebate znati kako to izvući. I nitko to ne može bolje od Holgera. Nakon destilacije sirovog alkohola, proizvodi se blagi alkohol u trostrukom postupku destilacije koristeći tehniku posebno za tu svrhu, bez gubljenja karakterističnog okusa krumpira. A proces filtriranja jasno pokazuje da više, dalje, brže nije ništa za znalce poput njih. Namjerno izbjegavaju filtriranje s dijamantima ili nešto slično. Umjesto toga se oslanjaju na umijeće tradicionalnog distillera. Tako konačna destilacija osigurava da je dobiveni alkohol blag i čist.

Miris:  Karakterističan miris bačve i finog destilata.

Okus: Delikatne naznake karamele kojima  se pridružuju fine arome alkohola krumpira.

The production technique used for this vodka is as special as the drink itself. Once a year, one special variety of potato with a strong character grows. The goal is to extract different qualities of potatoes. You just need to know how to draw it. And no one can do it better than Holger. After distillation of the raw alcohol, mild alcohol is produced in a triple distillation process using a technique specifically for that purpose, without losing the characteristic taste of the potatoes. And the filtering process clearly shows that more, further, faster is nothing for connoisseurs like them. They deliberately avoid filtering with diamonds or anything like that. Instead, they rely on the art of the traditional distiller. Thus the final distillation ensures that the alcohol obtained is mild and pure.

Odor: Characteristic odor of barrel and fine distillate.

Taste: Delicate hints of caramel accompanied by fine aromas of potato alcohol.

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