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Elegantan, nježan, ali bogat profil otvara se cvjetnim notama na nosu, uz tostirane bademe i koricu naranče. Nepce je voćno s kakaom, vanilijom i nježnim notama začina. Završava dugo i složeno s trajnim notama.

The elegant, delicate, yet rich profile opens with floral notes on the nose, along with toasted almonds and orange zest. The palate is fruity with cocoa, vanilla, and delicate spice notes. Finishes long and complex with lasting notes.

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XO s posebno zanimljivom poviješću, konjak Delamain L’Aigle XO oživljava grb “orla u usponu”, drevni grb koji je engleski kralj Charles I. dodijelio Nicholasu Delamainu, pretku kuće Cognac 1639. Stariji od njihovog kultnog Pale and Dry, odležao je daleko više od četvrt stoljeća, a puni se u finoj posudi od saverglassa. Kao i svi ostali konjaci Delamain, mješavina je suptilno remek-djelo stare Grande Champagne eaux-de-vie koja rezultira vrlo složenim i elegantnim konjakom. Grb je simbol ponosa i odvažnosti za stvaranje najboljih XO konjaka i odabir iz Premier Crua. Originalni konjak “Eagle” ustvari su prije više od 100 godina proizvodili Jacques i Robert Delamain.

An XO with a particularly interesting history, the Delamain L’Aigle XO Cognac revives the “rising eagle” crest, an ancient coat of arms granted by King Charles I of England to Nicholas Delamain, ancestor of the Cognac house in 1639. Older than their iconic Pale and Dry, it has been aged for far beyond a quarter of a century, and is bottled in fine Saverglass decanter. As with all Delamain Cognacs, the blend is a subtle masterpiece of old Grande Champagne eaux-de-vie that results in a highly complex and elegant Cognac. The crest is a symbol of pride and boldness to create the finest XO Cognacs, and select them from the Premier Cru. The original “Eagle” Cognac was in fact produced over 100 years beforehand by Jacques and Robert Delamain.

Delamain je jedna od najstarijih kuća u proizvodnji konjaka, osnovana 1824. Rakiju dobavlja od partnerskih destilatora u najbolje ocijenjenoj zoni šampanjca Grande da sazrijeva dulje vrijeme-za razliku od drugih kuća, Delamain ne proizvodi VS ili VSOP konjak . Sva se rakija kuša kako bi se provjerilo je li prikladna prije nego je Delamain preuzme, iako je kuća razvila dugoročne odnose s destilerijama. Konjci odležavaju u starim francuskim hrastovim bačvama u podrumima na obalama Charentea, gdje su temperatura i vlaga pogodni za sazrijevanje konjaka. Nakon miješanja, proizvodi provode još dvije godine u hrastu kako bi se zajedno vjenčali. Umjesto da koristi čistu vodu za smanjenje konačnog proizvoda do konačne razine alkohola, Delamain koristi kombinaciju stare rakije i vode na 15 posto abv, kako bi zadržao kontrolu nad procesom. Asortiman Delamain uključuje par XO konjaka i nekoliko drugih naljepnica s većim brojem godina. U ponudi su i male serije starinskog konjaka, dok je Réserve de la Famille jednocijevno izdanje za jedno imanje.
Delamain is one of the oldest houses in Cognac, founded in 1824. It sources brandy from partner distillers in the top-rated Grande Champagne zone to mature for an extended period of time – unlike other houses, Delamain does not produce a VS or VSOP Cognac. All of the brandy is tasted to make sure it is suitable before Delamain takes it on, although the house has developed long-term relationships with distillers. The Cognacs are aged in old French oak barrels in cellars on the banks of the Charente, where the temperature and humidity is well-suited to Cognac maturation. After blending, the products spend a further two years in oak to marry together. Rather than using pure water to reduce the final product down to the final alcohol level, Delamain uses a combination of old brandy and water at 15 percent abv, to retain control of the process. The Delamain range includes a pair of XO Cognacs and several other extra-aged labels. Small batches of vintage Cognac are also offered, while Réserve de la Famille is a single-barrel, single-estate release.